Mushroom Cultivation Guide


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As a researcher, Jiang Songshi diligently cultivated fungi.

Divided into three sections, shaken on time, temperature precisely controlled…

Then, the fungi went bad.

In a fit of anger, Jiang Songshi went out to clear his mind and found a newly-formed wild mushroom.

The little mushroom swayed its head, foolishly grinning at him.

Considering mushrooms are also fungi, Jiang Songshi took the little mushroom home.

His experience in the laboratory told him that mushrooms could easily go bad.

So, the little mushroom’s clothes had to be the softest, its food the greenest, kept in the mouth for fear of melting, cradled in the palm for fear of dropping, Jiang Songshi raised the little mushroom with utmost care.


The little mushroom didn’t seem to think so.

Hey! Why does that person dancing wildly across the bar look so familiar?


Wild Mushroom: (Shaking a wine glass) Let’s dance and have fun!

Lab Mushroom: The culture dish temperature rose by 0.01 degrees, it’s dead.

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