Mr. Villain, I Want To Live Too!


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The Crown Prince, my older brother, swung a candelabra at me, and that’s when I regained memories of my past life. I realized that this was the world of a book, and that I was Princess Lizbeth, a character who doesn’t even appear in the original story!

I only have two months left to live? I can’t die like this!

Following the advice of a mysterious helper who appeared just in time, I climbed the tower and successfully swallowed the blue jewel(?) that was supposed to save my life.

“You dared to covet my heart without permission. Are you ready to pay the price?”

Of all things, it turns out that this was the Magic Tower, and the jewel was the heart of the dark villain!

Now, I have to work hard to restore my body, which is drained of divine power, take revenge on the imperial family that has only used me, steal the Crown Prince’s position, and fix the crumbling empire!

“So… could you lend me just a little more of your heart?”

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흑막님, 저도 살아야 해서요!
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