Mr. Employee, You Have Caught the Boss’s Eye


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I won the grand prize in the company lottery: a romantic couple’s dinner with the super handsome boss on Qixi Festival.

I didn’t want to go because I was a man.

After work, I steeled myself and walked into the bathhouse.

“Scrub me! Clean me thoroughly!”

I said this with a sense of despair, closing my eyes as I spoke to the old man who was in charge of scrubbing.

“How about adding a rose bath?” he asked. “Yes! The more fragrant, the better!”

I would ensure that the boss was satisfied on the night of the Qixi Festival!

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Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. WorthIt
  2. Short Stories (BL) - Part 2
  4. Short Stories

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Nom de Plume
Nom de Plume rated it
August 7, 2024
Status: part9
I only have a few questions:

  • What business trip lasts three months?? That's practically a temporary reassignment. And why the hell did he not tell the MC goodbye first if he knew he would be away so long, without even a weekend to fly back?
  • So when does the ML learn the MC is a professional swimmer heheheheh.
These questions are not really important. The story tells everything it needs to. The romance is both progressed and delayed by various hilarious misunderstandings. It is a nice and rather sweet, if clich

, short story... more>> to read after

a few of the translators heavier translations. <<less
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Amethyst rated it
August 3, 2024
Status: Completed
This was such a fast read.

Just turn your brain of and chil. If you are reading a story and want a small break from it? Then just read this. It so short that by the end your like already??

That's about it for this story, doesn't have much substance, just something to read in one go in-between something else.
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