Mr. CEO, Your Wife is lowkey a Hacker


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Fate spares no one. A traffic accident brought together Ha An, a dynamic, beautiful, and talented woman who believes that “Independence and freedom are happiness”—she doesn’t need a husband, just a child. Tran Thanh Phong, a brilliant yet dictatorial CEO whose family is his weakness, crosses paths with her.

“Hey miss, you okay?”

His question snapped her back to reality. She blurted out,

“Oh shit!”

Not cursing at him, mind you—she was cursing herself. So pathetic, totally embarrassing myself here. But then again, she figured she didn’t have much pride to begin with, so why worry about it now? It was only then she noticed the sharp pain in her leg and back from hitting the curb. Ha An looked up at Dau Dinh,

“What is this, ‘Driving with Eyes Closed’ day? That’s a crosswalk you almost missed!”

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