Morning Light Rising from the White Tower


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Not all true and fake daughters would fight to the death.

I was the mother of the “fake” daughter, just an ordinary rural woman.

When we discovered the mistake, the first thing I did was bring my biological daughter home.

I didn’t want this accidental exchange to ruin the lives of two girls.

I wanted to tell my daughter—

We are her family, and we can give her so, so much love.

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5 Reviews sorted by

New HobiFlower rated it
January 31, 2025
Status: Completed
Simple but heartwarming, such good premises for a longer story, felt too short, it's too short.

Healthy family relationships plus mature children.

Brought tears to my eyes
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New Celtyin rated it
January 26, 2025
Status: Completed
*sniff* I wish there was more! So much love! Double family love. Siblings love. Sisterhood. Waaaah! I wish everyone could achieve this level of understanding, grace and magnanimous bearing. Short and sweet read. I love every character and the country dad is probably my fave with little bro coming in 2nd. Country mom gets no ranking, she’s flat out queen.
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Kumarae rated it
January 20, 2025
Status: Completed
I super love it!! It break all classic expect that both families hate each other or face slap or greedy or whatever many millions similar starter plot with baby swap.

We never see before as mother pov. She isn't fight or force "I'm your mother or she is mine daughter for greed." Nope she isn't like that. So refreshing!!! Worth it to reading. I might rereading if I read similar plot with angst and I will come back here for fresh and fluff normal life.

I really like that how mother told... more>> to okay to feel sad emotion. She knows that she is not able give rich but she can give safe space for children. <<less
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ntww12 rated it
January 19, 2025
Status: Completed
A usual trope: swapped at birth - the real vs fake daughter drama. This is a brilliant story about that trope but overturned. Also, it’s in the POV of one of the mothers!

A great read about familial relationships, no romance.
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Cloverlin rated it
January 17, 2025
Status: extra 2
It turns out great read for a short novel.

... more>>

Please, don't judge the village side mother. She had her reasons why she did that. She's open-minded and mature enough to be a good mother. She might not be great but she's much better than anyone I've known in real life. There's a point in that while reading this.. How I wish she's my mother too.

Also, about the 2 girls who got exchange, it's my 2nd time reading about a wholesome exchange by birth. Yes, at first.. Both girls dislike each other. It's normal when your 15 and got in that situation.

I love it that the rich girl turn poor got to experience a warm family. Yes, her rich fam is warm too and love her but you see.. It's a different kind of warm. Poor girl turn rich also experience to be like the MC in the novels she read (There's a time that I also want to experience that but my physical features is around 60 to 75% just like my mother. Among us 3 sisters, I'm the most look alike my mother 😂 so no chance.. Lols).

Anyway.. Rich girl turn poor was able to experience how to have that kind of family and she love it. Later on, both become friends and have a happy ending.


I promise you, this novel is just a short read. Less than an hour, depends on how fast/slow you read. It's worth the time to waste. It's HE and family oriented. <<less
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