Monster Musume no Oisha-san


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In the town of Lindworm where monsters and humans coexist, Dr. Glenn runs an exemplary medical clinic for monster girls with his lamia assistant, Sapphee. Whether receiving a marriage proposal by a centaur injured in battle, palpating the injury of a mermaid, or suturing the delicate wounds of a flesh golem, Dr. Glenn performs his job with grace and confidence. But when an unsavory character seeks to steal a harpy egg, how will the unflappable Dr. Glenn respond…?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Monster Girl Doctor
Related Series
The Pharmacist Lady’s Trading Secret (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. My List Harem LN/WN (MC Polygamy) V2
  2. Light Novels
  3. Trollo Recommendation
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3 Reviews

Kiss-Shot Acerola
Kiss-Shot Ac
May 31, 2020
Status: --
I read the manga and hoping for chapters in the LN. When reading a LN or WN at least reading the manga will provide a better view of the setting and how the characters look like. The characters are fairly made amazing and beautiful. You just get a better picture of things and things look more amazing in your head as you read through the Light Novel, imagining what action she makes and where has action is taken place. I'll tell you that this one snake is le*d. The only... more>> drawback is that I wish it wasn't harem,

the plot hasn't been builded up with any of the girls except for Sapphee.

Well anyway even if it is Harem it doesn't change the fact that this story is fairly well plotted so far and seems pretty interesting to read. The manga seems pretty new so if any of you know if it is actually harem or not can correct me while the tag does say it has harem it could be a mistake or misplaced. <<less
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Oct 15, 2020
Status: v6
This is the first light novel I have read and I have thoroughly enjoyed it, I picked it up after reading the anime and highly recommend it if you like monster girls and some light medical drama, there is a bit of ecchi thrown in as well if you enjoy it, but no nudity is shown in the artwork. Do wish that the official translation came out faster though.
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Aug 18, 2023
Status: Completed
Overall pretty decent. The ending feels rushed though. The author either got tired of writing it/ran out of ideas, or the publisher dropped the axe. There's a volume 0, so make sure you read that as volume 8 instead since the events in volume 0 come up later.

The harem is decent overall (just the three main women, the rest are side characters who of course get a crush on the Doctor). The main girl, a lamia, is kind of annoying and one-note though. Her personality can be summed up as... more>> "the snippy, jealous one." Basically your typical tsundere. She stays that way more or less the entire series, which is disappointing. The arachne (spider girl) actually gets the most in-depth characterization. The centaur gets barely any, she's just kind of there. The MC is your typical beta male Japanese, unfortunately, but at least it's a bit justified here because he's under the financial support of his mentor and will get cut off if he fools around at work.

The medical cases are interesting sometimes, but a lot of times they boil down to "you're sick, take this medicine, the end."

If you watched the anime, you can skip straight to v3c4. Make sure you read the epilogue, because that was left out of the anime. <<less
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