Monster Hunter: This Fire Dragon Has Special Abilities


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Luo Yun never imagined he’d hit the jackpot, nor did he ever think he’d truly experience a day when he could no longer act human. Since he has arrived in the New World and turned into a male dragon, his goal is to survive in this world! Yet, as time goes on, he realizes that even a high-ecological niche species like a dragon has its limits. Thus, Luo Yun can only strive to reach even higher!

[Abilities: Accelerate, Strongman, Flame Guard, Sunlight, End of the Land] … Male Dragon, Silver Dragon, and Golden Dragon all rely on evolutionary potential, and one day, he aims to transcend the ecological chain and become a being known as [Forbidden] .

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Dukespino rated it
November 14, 2024
Status: --
Fun fanfiction, and definitely a unique one which I'd like to see more of. More mh fan derivatives starring monsters would be great

Edit: this is a monster hunter fanfiction. If you're curious who's who, I tend to Google the name, and then add monter hunter cn. Doesn't always work of course. For example, barbarian jaw dragon reveals deviljho, but once he becomes fulgur barbarian jaw, you realize it's meant to be an anjanoth, especially since an actual deviljho shows up later.

Tldr, make sure to Google names once in a... more>> while to identify their species <<less
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