Miss Kang’s Honey Milk


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Kang Eunseo, a shy young woman suffering from a condition called galactorrhea (uncontrolled milky nipple discharge unrelated to pregnancy), receives unexpected and erotic(?) help from her boss Kwon Jihwan. From this unusual experience, Jihwan gets the TASTE of true pleasure…

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젖과 꿀과 아가씨
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Recommendation Lists
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  3. ~(^ o ^)~ : to read [incomplete] .17
  4. send me to h**ny jail
  5. Finally, I dont waste my time. (2)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
08/19/24 Foxaholic 18 c106
08/18/24 Foxaholic 18 c105
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08/16/24 Foxaholic 18 c103
08/16/24 Foxaholic 18 c102
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08/14/24 Foxaholic 18 c98
08/14/24 Foxaholic 18 c97
08/14/24 Foxaholic 18 c96
08/14/24 Foxaholic 18 c95
08/14/24 Foxaholic 18 c94
08/14/24 Foxaholic 18 c93
08/14/24 Foxaholic 18 c92
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2 Reviews

Sep 16, 2022
Status: Completed
Okay, so this definitely won’t be everyone’s taste but this is a guilty favorite so I’m glad it’s been picked up.

I’ve already completed it using mtl and thought that despite the initial premise the overall story is sweet and funny.
18 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Nov 21, 2023
Status: c100
I started reading this novel without any expectations, I was just looking for something to read but I ended up surprising myself, it's a very good read. The protagonists have their flaws, but even that is understandable if we take into account the lives they have had. It's a different story from the conventional but very interesting, I think it's worth reading and if you're seeing my review, give this novel a chance, you won't regret it.
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