Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the Witch of Fate’s Great Call


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The witch Kalynia hid her identity and approached Snow White’s grandson.

All of this was for the revenge of the great witch who was defeated by Snow White, and for the grand plan of stealing the magic mirror!

To achieve this, she needed to get close to the grandson, King Vylon, who knew where the mirror was kept.

“In truth, the mirror was just an excuse to come to Your Majesty’s chambers. Are you angry?”

“…No. You’re quite a bold princess.”

Good. Vylon has completely fallen for it! Now, just a quick prick of this sedative needle, and in ten seconds…

“Look at me.”

Just wait a moment…

“If you dared to tempt me so boldly, I assume you’re prepared for the consequences?”

Why wasn’t he collapsing from the sedative? If this goes on, she’ll be in real trouble!

*Setting/Genre: Fantasy, European Ambiance, Court Romance

*Story Keywords: Arranged Marriage Before Romance, Physical Attraction –> Emotional Connection, SchemingML, Pure-HeartedML, FeistyFL, Romantic Comedy

*Male Lead: Vylon – The King of Snow Kingdom and the grandson of Snow White. Due to a curse cast by the defeated great witch who fought Snow White, he was born unable to be loved by humans.

*Female Lead: Kalynia – A covert witch. She infiltrates Snow Kingdom with the intent to steal the magic mirror crafted by the great witch she idolized since childhood but ends up getting captured by King Vylon.

*When to Read: When you’re in the mood for a sweet and playful romance between a cunning king and an innocent witch, or a romantic comedy about overcoming curses with passionate love.


“Focus, witch. I’m still… haah… not satisfied.”

Kalynia bit her lower lip as her vision went white.

Oh, how did a simple plan to steal a mirror turned into this nightmare?!

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거울아, 운명의 마녀를 찾아다오
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