Ming Jing Tai


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Applying heavy makeup before the vanity,


And good;

Yi Chongren, a castrated devil Huo Feng vowed to destroy even if it meant becoming a demon himself,

Yet in the blink of an eye, he was deeply bewitched;


And good;

In the midst of a chaotic world, good and evil were hard to define;

Huo Feng was forced into despair by evil, indignant yet unrelenting;

But on this road he can’t turn back on, he couldn’t help but think of that person as good,

Chongren, Chongren,

Do you want to be reborn, or force others into rebirth?

Yi Chongren, Huo Feng,

Two people not meant to intersect,

Because of various goods and evils,

Forever intertwined[1] [1] 剪不断理还乱: line from the poem 相见欢 (Joyful Rendezvous) by Li Yu

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7 Reviews sorted by

cereja teimosa
cereja teimosa rated it
May 25, 2022
Status: c1
First of all, it's too early to do a detailed review for the plot and characters, as there is only one chapter available so far.

However, I gave this novel five stars for two reasons:

1. It's a historical novel (my favorite type) and it's yaoi, meaning everything I like in a read.

2. From the first chapter it is already possible to perceive how capricious and efficient the translator is in his translation. From the coherent sentences to the perfect choice of font we can see how detailed and careful the translator... more>> is (we are very lucky).

So please give this novel a chance and give supportive comments to our Translator (because this enlightened human being definitely deserves it).

Ps: Translator, I didn't find a comment space in the chapter. Maybe it's not activated or I was simply too moved by your translation to have seen it.

But in short, I just wanted to say thank you for gracing us with this. Thank you so so so much.

❤❤❤❤❤ <<less
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Virtuous_imperial_consort rated it
August 8, 2022
Status: c29
This was an engrossing read from beginning to end. Very well translated novel. My only complaint was that it was too short!

I wanted more of Yi Chongren's life (post retirement from the imperial court) as well as that of the two princes (Douzi and Baozi were so cute!)


While Yi Chongren's feelings towards Huo Feng became more romantic towards the end of the novel, I still felt a little dissatisfied with the romance due to

Huo Feng faking ill health and emotionally manipulating Yi Chongren into retiring from the central palace and spending the rest of his life with him just so that he wouldn't leave him when the promised 10 years was up. :/

The side characters were also interesting in their own ways and I wish that there was more of their stories. Ultimately, I loved this novel overall. The strong plot, the deadly palace intrigues, struggle for power in the imperial court, along with Yi Chongren's reasons for pushing Huo Feng towards the throne all compelled me to keep reading. I literally binged the entire novel in three days. My only regret is that the translator who did an awesome job translating this novel wont be translating the extra chapter T__T Anyway, it's a solid five stars from me!
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Ouryane00 rated it
October 7, 2022
Status: Completed
I really love this story initially, plus I love the children so much ♥️

But, I was very very disappointed ... more>>

when the ML chose to drug and r*pe the MC. I get it that he was in love with the MC but that doesn’t justify what he did. He’s such a manipulative b*stard


I was really rooting for them, but because of what happened above, I lost interest in the remaining chapters and just scanned read them.

I just really think that

the MC doesn’t deserve to be treated that way. I wish the author made the breakthrough of their relationship different, I mean the r*pe part just really felt unnecessary. Maybe a confession or something is better. Just to showcase more communication between them or something. The ML just became really disappointing for me at the end.

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September 20, 2022
Status: Completed
are we supposed to ignore that Huo Feng had married before and had multiple concubines? Also we should just let the fact slide that the crown prince fell in love with 2 girlss who were sisters!! Nd both of them somehow r willing to follow a same man..... nd ppl around the crown prince all approve of this...
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MangaNoob1995 rated it
May 21, 2024
Status: Completed
In my opinion, for 29 chapters, the author summed up the story beautifully. Somewhat different plot, likable characters and not one, not two but three kids (two babies and Huo Yunkai who is 10 years old at the start of the story)

As it is mentioned in the tags, yes there is ... more>>

a one time r*ape situation which happens.

Although the story is short, it has relatively long chapters.

I loved the story very much!! I wished there were more extras about them in love and their kids. <<less
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elideli rated it
December 29, 2022
Status: Completed
Pretty decent overall. I don't usually read politics-heavy court stuff since it sends me right to sleep, and I don't particularly care about stories that focus on characters parenting children in general, but the political stuff was brief and I actually really enjoyed finding out about Chongren's schemes, plus, the kids were kinda cute and not annoying.

I understand why Huo Feng fell for Chongren but I really don't get why Chongren ended up liking Huo Feng back? Is it just because the Huo Feng was so darn insistent and Chongren... more>> was like 'well, he's got the kids' or what? Also a few sussy consent issues, but they seem to get over that fairly quickly.

Overall, I didn't really super love either of the leads but I also didn't dislike them, and the story was engaging enough to keep me reading despite that. <<less
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CrescentRedLuna rated it
September 26, 2022
Status: Completed
love this book!! There are not many chapters but each chapter is long. Very compact and doesn't feel very boring, it doesn't even feel too short even though the chapters are small. Very satisfied with the content to be conveyed, well done author.
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