Melted Love ~Melt Down~


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Kairi Yougoshi, who works at a food company, lives with his younger brother, Tasuku, who works as a host.

Since being completely abandoned by their mother, who had never been around since they were little, the two of them had always lived together.

However, Kairi believed that the occasional money they received came from their mother. So he never resented her.

In reality, he didn’t know that the money was earned by Tasuku by selling his body.

Tasuku is secretly in love with Kairi and would do anything for him.

But the days of harbouring feelings that had nowhere to go and dealing with women he hated were wearing him down.

One day, Tasuku witnessed Kairi being pushed down by a man.

And his anger transformed into dark, intense lust…

Associated Names
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Touru Ai ~Melt Down~
Tōru Ai ~Melt Down~
融愛~Melt Down~
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