Meeting the Wolf


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There was once a Bunny who became a high school teacher after successfully cultivating his human form.

Since he took his cultivation very seriously, Bunny was able to conceal his scent perfectly.

One day, a new student transferred into Mr. Bunny’s class. This student was a wolf and a student-athlete. He was tall, handsome, and was born into a wealthy family. But he refused to restrain his wolf-nature, and so this boy was aggressive, mischievous, and spent his time on causing trouble instead of studying and cultivating. Wolf’s parents worried so much for their son that their furs have gone white.

Because he always goofed off during cultivation, Little Gray Wolf didn’t know how to hide his Scent and Mr. Bunny recognised his true form upon their first meeting. It was impossible for a bunny to overcome his instinctive fear for wolves, so Mr. Bunny was so terrified that his legs turned weak every time he saw the Little Gray Wolf.

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Rabbit & Wolf
兔子吹吹耳边风 (PN title)
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5 Reviews sorted by

May 3, 2021
Status: --
Won't leave a rating, but this was not my cup of tea. You have a rabbit demon, then have him in human form, but still eating rabbit foods? A bento box with grass? The cherry on top was when cabbage was added in his food list. Cabbage can explode a rabbits stomach. Please don't feed your rabbits cabbage.
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shadow1716 rated it
August 7, 2021
Status: --
Forced character traits are really boring. If the MC wasn't so 'instinctively' scared of the ML and they had an actual reason to get together it would of been good.
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DewDropsOnMellons rated it
July 24, 2021
Status: Completed
This was very cute and fluffy. It's good for what it is, a short and light fluff fic (I would rate it as 4.5).

It isn't something to read when your looking for heavy plot. It's very light, soft and suitable for reading when you want a simple, mindless read between heavy novels or if you aren't in the mood for thinking and just want some inoffensive fluff.

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unless the studen-teacher thing or incorrect information about animals bothers you. If it helps, they only start dating after the ML graduates and they aren't animals or humans so there is an excuse at least.


The couple is cute, I didn't doubt their feelings for each other and they treat each other well. While they occasionally tease, they don't take things too far and are considerate of each other.

They treat other people well too so they don't suffer from the classic problem of "he treats his partner well but is an absolute *** to everyone else, utterly void of basic human decency and it's treated as romantic". They're nice and decent people, not extremely selfless philanthropists or anything but decent.

The story is short and much of the unrealistic parts are explained with "well he isn't a bunny or a human, he's a rabbit demon".

All in all, it's a short and sweet story and is perfectly suitable for passing the time. <<less
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FrostyDragon rated it
January 8, 2022
Status: c40
Thanks to the translator for picking this up!

It's a typical Lu Tianyi story - sweet and fluffy with a cute couple and some fantasy elements. I like the world building here, and although the story has a narrow scope, it could be interesting to read more stories with this setup - modern day setting but with cultivation elements and the idea that society is filled with animal demons (animals infused with spiritual energy who have cultivated to a point where they can take on human form) is interesting in itself.

The... more>> MC is a rabbit demon who was attacked and almost killed by a wolf when he was still a little bunny. He was rescued by a cultivator and turned into a rabbit demon (not as in an evil demon, but simply a kind of spirit whose original form is an animal, but who have spiritual power and can live in a human form). Growing up as the cultivator's disciple and partly human, the MC now works as a high school teacher. One of his students turn out to be a young wolf demon.

The main conflict is whether or not the MC will accept the ML's courtship. The ML is infatuated with the MC's cuteness, but also comes to appreciate his bravery and kindness. The MC on the other hand struggles with being in close proximity to a guy who's basically a wolf (but in human form), since he's traumatized because of the experience where a wolf almost killed him. And also the MC claims to be straight, but of course the wolf boy will eventually be too sweet for him to resist.

This is a sweet story and has a bit of the same vibe as 'Don't You Like Me?', one of the more popular books by this author. ML falls due to misunderstandings, but is then both stubborn and sweet in his persistent attempt to win the MC's heart, gradually wearing down the MC's defenses. There's some age difference (around 8 years) and the student-teacher relation is an ethical concern for the MC (the ML doesn't care). Also the ML is 18 so no romance with a minor. Very cute relationship, the ML is very considerate of the MC and does everything he can to win him by fair means and make sure he's comfortable since there's some difference in power due to the ML's strong wolf nature and the MC's trauma. On the other hand, the MC isn't powerless or weak despite his bunny nature, he's determined, kind, selfless (but not a pushover), skilled both as a teacher and a cultivator, and willing to sacrifice for the sake of others.

There are some nice comedic moments and fun ideas, like the wolf boy being a slightly spoiled 'second generation' animal demon harvesting the benefits of his ancestors' hard work (slight parody of second gen rich kids). The plot is a bit whimsical, but the characters and their cute interactions are the main draw. Overall a good read if you just want an easy, fluffy story and a healthy, cute romance. <<less
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Hikari_Akari rated it
September 12, 2021
Status: Completed
I read this novel a while ago and it seemed very cute and sweet.

I can understand why MC was afraid of ML that is something instinctive on the part of animals. It is also clearly explained why. ML also seems very cute to me xD always stalking his teacher. There is also a secondary CP and damn it is very funny I liked it.

Thanks to the translator for collecting this novel.
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