Me And My Four Backup Dancers


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When his Weibo alt account had been dug out, Yan Shuo’s image as the “gentle and nice leader” of the currently popular boy group M.E.N crumbled overnight.

Smear post on a certain forum: “Congratulations to older brother Yan Shuo for becoming the alphabet group’s new C-position! Happily obtained four useless backup dancers!”

Associated Names
One entry per line
My 4 Backup Dancers and I
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Male Idol Novels
  2. Glamorous world - entertainment industry/ movies/ ...
  3. Danmei adapted to manhuas + official links [part 2...
  4. NOVEL #5
  5. Modern Danmei

Latest Release

Date Group Release
04/03/21 Foxaholic c1
4 Reviews

Apr 03, 2021
Status: c19
The interactions between ML and MC are silly and fun, but I find chapter 19 a bit concerning with the overall direction in which the story will continue. I'm not sure if I'll keep on reading despite it since, well I do not like dubcon in general sooo, you've been warned.

For those of you who wish for the context:

... more>>

Basically, ML propositions MC with a f*ck buddy's relationship and lowkey uses twisted logic to get the MC into agreeing. As I said, ch 19 is particularly concerning because ML brings forward a "contract" which states that the terms of their relationship, such as it being confidential, which is totally fine but that's as fine as it gets. From the second clause onwards it's super problematic since there is a clear power imbalance between ML and MC. Also one of the terms literally says "Occasionally refusal in the process is fun, and refusal or negative response is not allowed"??? Excuse me??? That's very much dubcon if not straight noncon. Meanwhile, MC does find that the terms are weird and that he shouldn't agree but the ML lowkey gaslights him. MC is like: "but what if one of us gets into a relationship" (because one of the terms it's literally that they can't end the relationship unilaterally??) and then ML preceded to be all like "why wouldn't I agree to end this relationship, I'm not gay" and "anyways are you sure you wanna fall in love? Love is overrated and girls are clingy and b*tchy and are only after your money" how is that not toxic?

8 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 04, 2021
Status: Completed

Guys if you need a light read with fresh comedy, fluffs, cute couple, funny teammates, you must read this!!! The manhua of this novel has official english translation, you can read it on bilibilicomics! The arts is so pretty!
5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 21, 2022
Status: Completed
This novel is so funny! Really good to read if you want to let out stress, all the characters are hella funny

The MC is so shameless and narcissistic hahaha I love this dork so much
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Apr 25, 2022
Status: Completed
Nice story. Nothing special in terms of plot and characters, but the MC is funny with his light narcissism and naïve outlook, the ML is nicer than he seems at first, and after the first awkward phase of misunderstandings he becomes quite devious but also genuine in his pursuit of the MC, even if he does it in a clumsy way at first.

Not much to the plot, there's the classic misunderstanding where both MC and ML think the other person has a crush on them, and try to figure out... more>> how to resolve the situation since it would be awkward to be confessed to by your male bandmate when you're straight (sure guys, you're both soo straight, LOL).

When the misunderstanding is resolved, the plot takes a slightly weird turn that came a bit out of nowhere:


the ML has become attracted to the MC and suggest/pressures him into becoming friends with benefits (but apparently only kissing and hand stuff). I think he does this as a way to get into a relationship with the MC, but he doesn't seem fully aware of this himself at first.


I think the story is a case of 'gradually falling for each other', and there no real angst or major misunderstandings - when they finally get into a relationship it's pretty wholesome and smooth sailing.

I found the side-CP under-developed, like they were just shoved in there without having much to do. They could have been left out and not have been missed.

The story is nowhere near as good as the author's other work, 'Deluge', and it's a bit clichéd (idols in a boyband fall in love, a fake CP becomes real), but it's a nice story overall.

There's a smut chapter towards the end. <<less
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