Marvel: Live Broadcasting The Spoilers!


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A dimensional live broadcast system has come to Asgard, Kamar Taj and other places.

With the exposure of various spoilers such as “Avengers 3”, the entire multiverse of the Marvel is in chaos!

Loki: After being beaten by Hulk, killed by Thanos, and forced to join the TVA, I end up loving female Loki?

Iron Man: Dark Elves? Time Travel? Multiverse? This is awesome!

Deadpool: Wow! I can actually slaughter the Marvel Universe! So cool!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Spoiler In Marvel Multiverse: Opening Live Broadcast
Related Series
Recommendation Lists
  1. Super Heroes
  2. BJs / Streamers / Broadcasters part 2

Latest Release

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09/28/22 DragonTea c95
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