Male Streamer From the Reverse World Becomes Obsessed


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I started a new life as a male streamer in a world where gender reversal is prevalent. But, these huge big shots are obsessed with me?

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DragonLordADN rated it
December 12, 2024
Status: c6
Tbh idk who the target audience is. The world building is set too much to MC's advantage from the start.

MC is given some insane godly talent and luck that he can solo win even team games and all, being best pro player in every game popular in korea.

AND THIS IS THE PART THAT RUINS IT. The world building comes off illogical. The gender roles are reversed, the male population is just 25%. You'd think with that the men would be treated as more valuable or be competed more over right?... more>> Instead author adds their own big brain idea that all men are dumber and look ugly, and mc's looks somehow are average yet as good as a top idol's (again excessive unnecessary advantage). And somehow cuz of the looks and IQ men have no place in society and are treated like dirt, better yet they struggle for jobs and su*cide frequently (author again adds a big brain logic summing it up as women prefer good looking men only when comically they don't really have an example for such man) . It's insane how there's an amazing shortage of men and the remaining ones are not even sought after or taken care of? The whole species is gonna go extinct soon😂.

You'd think after all that bragging at least the author has some knowledge on games or stream chats? Nope the games are just a few senseless lines that add up to MC op (honestly was laughing at lee sin getting 14 kills in 10 min and carry being a webtoon only word) . The chat is just the same line written 3 ways to push a certain point/opinion of them going MC male boo then wow how?

Overall the story is a extreme fantasy without anything that will retain reader interest at all <<less
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nainaitou rated it
December 6, 2024
Status: --
only 2 chapters in, but the title and tags are misleading. I've taken the liberty to remove the ‘female to male’ tag as that isn’t exactly accurate.

to put it lightly, this novel is for incels that want every other man to be worse so that they are in comparison, better. No improvement to themselves whatsoever. No hate if you like that, but it’s not for me.

there is technically ts, but more so in the general population where 50% of men have turned into women. Let’s put the evolutionary scientifics aside... more>> as to how that would be impossible.

labelling this novel as a ts one would be like saying ketchup is the main ingredient in french fries. Like, I mean it’s there, but is it the ‘main’ one?

implicit sexism, in that it’s called ‘gender reversal’, yet the way the author reverses it is by making all males super bad at anything they do. If they didn’t put gender reversal in the summary I wouldn’t mind it as much. Let men be dumb (as if some of them aren’t enough already lol). <<less
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