Male Lead, Don’t Follow Me!


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One day, I realized I had been reincarnated as the female lead’s friend who dies trying to save her in a depressing novel.

I steeled myself to confess everything to the female lead,

but to my surprise, my words were muted as if to prevent spoilers.

Frustrated, I finally ventured into the forbidden forest and shouted my secret at the top of my lungs, cursing the male lead as well.

“The male lead is a son of a b*tch!”

Though there was no way anyone could have heard it, rumors soon spread far and wide that Grand Duke Bishwaltz, the male lead, was gay.

What’s more, he even launched an official investigation to uncover the source of this false rumor…

“…Your voice resonates perfectly in my ears.”

I think my life is ruined.

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쫓아오지 마세요, 남주님!
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keikomushi rated it
April 17, 2021
Status: c3
A really good translation for the three chapters currently available. The story itself is also very straightforward as well, even if the transmigrated MC is a bit childish and foolish at times. But her flaws are part of what makes this feisty idiot enjoyable to read about. It is easy to care about what she cares about, which is predominantly the OMC that is her best friend. It is also easy to see why she takes issue with the male lead based on what happened in the original timeline. Here's... more>> hoping that the original translator at Foxaholic picks this series up again. <<less
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