Making the Heroines Regret


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I possessed the main character in a novel.

As an incompetent prince, no less.

I can’t understand why he’s been clinging to women like this until now.

…But then again, it’s me now, isn’t it?

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1 Review

Dec 01, 2024
Status: c12
the synopsis seemed interesting enough, and I went in expecting a shallow feel-good "serves you right" kinda story. Unfortunately, the translations are f*cked up and/or the original story is just written nonsensically. Everything is confusing, the pronouns are f*cked so I can't tell what gender a character is and there is no clear indicator of a viewpoint change so I is used sometimes about someone else's thoughts.

im just confused about the flow of the story and the names of things change so it took me a sec to realize the... more>> martial arts hall/academy was being mentioned because the name changed like 4 times

i hope this is just a translation f*ckup in which case I hope someone else picks this up. If this is really how the story is written, then don't read this <<less
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