Madly in Love with You


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[1] Pingchuan University had two notable figures.

Lin Qingye, a young recipient of the prestigious Golden Melody Award, embodied rebellion and indulgence, was subjected to constant online criticism, yet was adored by a devoted fanbase.

Meanwhile, Xu Zhinan, acclaimed as the “Light of Pingchuan,” epitomized campus beauty and first love. She possessed a gentle demeanor and was often seen reading Buddhist scriptures.

Their lives remained separate until an unexpected event altered their paths—

Later, seated on the steps with a cigarette in hand, Lin Qingye flashed a mischievous smile and casually remarked, “Anan, come with me.”

Onlookers sighed in disappointment. It seemed Xu Zhinan had wasted her ethereal beauty only to fall for a rogue like Lin Qingye in the end.

[2] At Lin Qingye’s celebrated comeback concert, he shone brightly as fans fervently chanted his name.

For his final pose, he turned away from the audience, sweat trickling down his back, revealing a prominent tattoo of a girl.

This image went viral, sparking widespread speculation about the identity of the woman portrayed on Lin Qingye’s skin.

Then, one day, a television crew unexpectedly arrived at Lin Qingye’s home for an impromptu visit. Shirtless, he answered the door.

As he turned, the live audience finally caught sight of the tattoo on his back, accompanied by the words “Anan.”

Suddenly, the bedroom door swung open, revealing a stunning woman in a man’s shirt, her eyes still heavy with sleep, asking, “Lin Qingye, where did you put my clothes this time?”

In that live broadcast, the woman’s face perfectly matched the tattoo adorning Lin Qingye’s back.

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Rabills rated it
July 29, 2024
Status: Completed
I almost couldn't get myself to finish it.

First few chapters the girl is crazy about the guy and then she has a wakeup moment and then the rest was the guy chasing her. If ML liked her so much and finally got her in the first place, why did he act like he was better than her? He should have been cherishing her from the start. Also, if FL is someone who values her principles so much and has high pride, why did she keep things in a situation-ship for three years?


But I'm glad I got through it. It gets sweet once they actually do get together.
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Mystiqueeee rated it
July 22, 2024
Status: Completed
That feels so long and I actually don't know what to say. It's quite good, just, a submissive FL is not my cup of tea. However, maybe my jhs self will like it. Nevertheless, it's not that bad. While I don't have a good impression with both of them, especially with the cold-hearted ML, I quite like the character development. Well, we can mainly say that it's the ML's character development. There's not much change with the FL tbh. The ML, on the other hand, seems to be the focus... more>> of the story. His character design, character development, backstory, etc. Were all in line with the main main character (if you get what I mean). And I actually like such changes. It's kinda frustrating at first, yes, but healing at the end.

Their journey was quite touching and I unconsciously shed tears at the ML's perspective. At first, it was full of inferiority, self-depreciation, hatred, then to hope, humbleness, love, sincerity, and finally happiness. We love such a healing story!

Overall, it's not a lighthearted story but a story of redemption. It's not a love story but a story of love. 8/10. <<less
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