Madam, Master Said to Eat Meal


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Mo Qi Liang replaced her half sister to marry Prince Lie. However, Prince Lie, or Huang Fu Yue Xun, didn’t care and prepared their wedding very simple and quiet. In just few days after being married to Prince Lie, Mo Qi Liang was kidnapped by the enemy of Prince Lie, the most evildoer in martial world, You Qing Jia Tian. Initially, You Qing Jia Tian wanted to keep her alive to torture her but You Qing Jia Tian began to be attracted to her…..

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6 Reviews sorted by

Tachi Works
Biah_belle rated it
June 18, 2016
Status: c30
The female protagonist preserves her dignity and image, she doesn't let anyone force themselves on her, and in her interactions with males she maintains control and doesn't let herself get placed in r*pe-y situations, nor does she get turned on by one close-call forced situation.

The main couple makes me happy because he's like the Second Lead in stories that is way cooler than the Mc's douche ship but never gets the girl. But in this story he DOES get the girl ;) as far as chapter 30 or as far... more>> as I know anyways ^^ I hope her kidnapper doesn't get NTR'd by the fckn douche husband. <<less
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jkmessah rated it
September 3, 2016
Status: --
It's a story of about the unwanted, illegitimate daughter being married off to one of the royal prince who already has someone else in his heart. He plots against the MC but she ends up getting kidnapped by the underworld king. Interesting schemes, but translation is... not great, but better than nothing. If you can get over some bad grammar which makes the conversation hard to follow, I think it's a nice read.

Will wait for updates~
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dysry rated it
April 25, 2016
Status: --
Translation aside, the story is not bad. The female lead is a likeable person and character if you get the chance to know her. Unfortunately as an illegitimate daughter and an unwanted wife, this point is overlooked by her family and husband, allowing a better man to swoop in. And while she’s being wooed by the better man, everyone else starts to realize this.

The characters are not bad, the story is not bad, overall it’s not bad lol. The female lead isn’t particularly vicious but I hope she remembers the... more>> ‘surprise’ her husband sent her on her wedding night and takes some sort of revenge for that. <<less
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Nashi00 rated it
January 3, 2018
Status: --
It's a total shame and pity that the translation is so bad I had to drop the novel. It's another shame that I can't read Chinese at all. I tried. I really tried to ignore the bad translation but in the end, I couldn't.

The story is good though, it would be better if the kidnapper kidnapped the MC before the wedding. That way it is not a form of cheating when the kidnapper and the MC doing stuff like kissing. I know that there's at least no love between the... more>> Prince and the MC at the beginning but still, she's married.

I wouldn't want to drop it if it wasn't for the translation. <<less
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Liri rated it
September 1, 2016
Status: c31
The story is not bad. The characters are very likable and most importantly smart. Most stories always involve misunderstandings between the main pairing for the sake of drama, to create a comic effect or just tragedies. Luckily not in this case. Although there are some low EQ traits in the story, the couple come together pretty soon and it is so cute to watch them interact. It feels real and is also logical. Illogical would be having her somehow develop feelings for her douchebag husband, like in some other stories.... more>> Translation can maybe become quite difficult for some.

Overall, I would give it 3-4 stars. Great if you are bored and in need for something to read in between. <<less
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Ritsuru rated it
April 11, 2016
Status: --
Although the chapters could be better with editing, the story itself is somewhat interesting. The MC is not entirely useless and actually uses her head instead of being a damsel in distress.

If you don't mind too much on the grammatical errors, then this can be an enjoyable light read to pass time.
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