Luggage Carrier Who Abandoned by the Hero’s Party in the Dungeon’s Deepest Part, Being Possessed by the Strongest Dragon Slayer (Age of Death: 24)


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At the age of ten, anyone would receive two skills from an entity called God.

A girl who wants to be an adventurer, Reno, was given automatic attack evasion skill, [Dodge] and a skill to be able to put in and out items, [Storage] .

Neither skill was suitable for battle, so she was living the gloomy days of being a luggage carrier without being an adventurer.

However, wheel of fate turned heavily when she joined an Evil Dragon slaying party as a luggage carrier.

Abandoned by the Hero in the deepest part of the dungeon where the dragon is hidden, Reno got the power to fight when she acquired a necklace which the strongest Dragon Slayer, Reina’s spirit sealed in.

This is an epic of a girl who later would be called The Dragon-Killing Hero.

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2 Reviews sorted by

om3gakais3r rated it
June 24, 2019
Status: c4
The start was a little gloomy, not tragedy or anything but the MC starts from a really powerless position. On the bright side, she's a kind and honest kid.

I hate one of the characters' personality who is a power-abusive man, still I believe he'd get his ass kicked by the MC sometime in the future.

Oh, should I mention, there's a short-haired magician character who casts


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cavler rated it
July 1, 2022
Status: Completed
what to say, I think the story is kinda average. But that's probably because the story is relatively short.

the motivation of half MC's are: the dragons did something bad to me, now I fight them. The other half of the MC's don't receive much of a motivation at al. The motivation of the main villain is quite lackluster. But the side villains receive more attention though.

3 out of the 5 main characters receive decent character development (for the length of the story), the other 2 not so much, but you... more>> do understand their character somewhat.

the romance feels kinda forced, it feels shallow like a typical harem (although this time its a yuri harem)

The fight scene's are mostly well written though! This is the main reason to read this story.

a consequence of the above points: the story is easy to follow, is engaging on the fight scenes and the story is not too long (93 chapters).

I think this story would be a good recommendation for people who are new to light novels. <<less
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