Living Normally In An Abnormal World


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A normal man is reincarnated as a baby in an upside-down world where the sense of c*astity is reversed.

Then, without understanding what is happening, he tries to live a normal life and be a filial son in a world with a male-to-female ratio of 1:50.

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10/25/24 Zetro Translation c66
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10/25/24 Zetro Translation c57
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10/25/24 Zetro Translation c55
10/25/24 Zetro Translation c54
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2 Reviews

Jul 04, 2024
Status: c14.1
MC is 7 years old 14 chapters in.

Poorly written, with a bunch of cliches from events to chars, his 6 year old sister wants him to love her as a woman in a pov sequence while calling him "nii- cha" the next sentence which atleast in anime only babies/toddlers use (which she is), draws garbage references from the real world that should not exist in the setting

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So If men dont like wedding dresses and recoil when they see one and all the women want to please men then If u think about it for 3 secs such a garment wouldnt exist there.


Its like reading an emotionally inflexible chinese wuxia novel but its elementary schoolers in a insanely h**ny setting and makes u want to stop ur eyeball ownership and find some bleach and rope, then bleach the rope white to send ur eyeballs away in a nice tied present box.

Do not be deceived if u like gender ratio/reversal stuff

It had 4.3/5 stars out of 7 reviews on the site at the time of reading, someone enjoyed it I guess but it was the most uncomfortable read for me. (Zetro has a bunch of great stuff there not disrespecting the TL ofc)

What did I read <<less
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Jul 27, 2024
Status: c27
As said by others, MC stays as a child for far to long, which is very weird considering the setting is reverse c*astity world. So the author making majority of the story take place when MC is in elementary is disgusting and weird because his harem is a bunch of elementary student girls and grown adult pedofile women going after a 7 year old, with MC having the mental age of an adult making it even worse. Also he has no issues with cross dressing and even wears dresses.

MC is... more>> also your average scared cuck who tries his best to stay away from any female contact and has zero intention of doing anything with anyone even tho he is a grown man mentally and has everyone being hxrny over him. <<less
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