Level Reset Gomi Skill da to Kanchigaishita Keredo Jitsuha Tondemonai Cheat Sukiru datta


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The dawn of the strongest legend! The “tr*sh skills” of the fallen prodigy are cheat class!

Ragnus is a prodigy who has been attracting attention and expectations since he was a child, as his level has grown much faster than others.

At the age of 10, he participated in the “Skill Development Ceremony” that was held for the boys and girls of the country.

While all of them were expecting him to receive a legendary skill, what came down to him was a strange skill called “Level Reset.

The unusual performance of returning to level 1 every day is recognized as “tr*sh,” and Ragnus quickly falls into a life of s*avery….

Although his family, childhood friends, and friends treat him like a s*ave, Ragnus realizes the great potential of his skills!

Having been freed from his home, Ragnus vows to look back at the entire world with his cheat-grade skills and begins his journey to become the strongest.

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レベルリセット ~ゴミスキルだと勘違いしたけれど実はとんでもないチートスキルだった~
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ImanDBZ rated it
October 27, 2021
Status: c9
I have have been a fan of this kind of story where MC with tr*sh ability but it turn out it is op, but this story is really bad. MC gain a skill where his level will reset every day, so does his stats. Which make him really weak. Of course, there's a benefit to it that he can many skill point and it will not reset (only 1 skill point can only be gained ehen level up and you need at least 100 sp to get a skill) ... more>> but I'm not going to talk about that.

What I want to talk is that when mc's family found out that he has the skill, they treat him like a s*ave for several years. When he find out that his ability is op he ran away from home. Now, I'm okay with this cliche story. But what I dont like is how he suddenly become a s*ave voluntarily to another person. Like wtf, he ran away from home because he is a s*ave only to become another person's s*ave. By the way, this all happening in 9 chapter. <<less
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bodesagaz rated it
January 30, 2022
Status: c7
This story begins with the MC being apparently ret*rded OP, being stronger than most knights of his country. At 10 years old. And nothing is said about how, or why. This is the first absolutely strange point of this novel, at chapter one. Makes no sense, but ok lets move on.

Then he goes through a ceremony to get his skill. The author doesn't explain this until chapter 7, but you need 100 skill points to get a skill, which are gained by leveling up, and you seem to be born... more>> with some of those to go through the ceremony and get your first skill at 10 years old. The pattern here is nothing is really explained in a way that makes sense, and we are in chapter 2 still. But ignoring this once more, he goes on and gets his skill, which resets his level every day.

Now the thing is, everyone in this world knows that you get skill points by leveling up, coupled that with the fact that the MC can maintain low levels and therefore accumulate skill points quickly, any idiot in this world can immediately understand that this skill is meant to make the user accumulate other skills. But the MC can't understand that, and even if you try to ignore this by telling yourself that he might be a s*upid kid, the scholars of his world went to study his skill since it is one of a kind, and they couldn't understand this either.

Besides the explanation I gave about how skill points work, everything I just said happens in the first two chapters. And up until chapter 7 that I've read, at least one completely mental thing happens every chapter. Honestly this is to the point I genuinely hope that the author is just this bad as a writer, as the other explanation would be that they are suffering from something. I hope there is nothing wrong with their health. <<less
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gomineet rated it
November 13, 2022
Status: c34
It has a good premise but I feel like the dialogue could use some improvement. The dialogue determines the relationships of the characters and the fact that the dialogue feels dumb makes the story feel dumb. It may be because of the translation or just personal preference but instead of the two main characters meeting and just agreeing to a s*ave contract you could have them meet in dire conditions and have a convincing dialogue to make that contract necessary instead of just dumbly agreeing to a s*ave contract because... more>> it is the easiest way to make these two stick together. And instead of just saying that the guild receptionist was worried, give her actual dialogue on why she would agree to give two low ranked adventurers a C rank mission. It may be on purpose to give dialogue that feels vague that will only make sense when explained in future chapters but when all of the dialogue feels forced, rushed, or just plain dumb, it reduces the chances of the readers actually reading the story until your dialogue pays off. It's still a good story for a casual read. Again, the dialogue feels so dumb I lose what little remains of my brain cells:


Chapter 18 when the guild just admits they lowered the rank of a mission from A rank to C, I would understand if it was because they wanted to get someone killed or if the guild was corrupt but just saying it was done because of the low reward feels so dumb. The easygoing princess accepts this reasoning but ML gets shocked into submission (If only that was possible for me), the follow up dialogue just forgets about what the guild did and the story moves on. No respect to my brain cells that died from that plot. Literally on the next chapter, it turns out that the guild master knew princess' mom. So the pure idiocy he did about changing the mission rank could have killed his friend's daughter but no word about that anywhere? No concern? No apology? Later it turns out that what they fought in that C—no—A rank mission was a divine beast which is important for protecting the village. Why put out the request then? Why lower its rank so people would take it? Why not just keep it at A rank so no one takes it because of the reward


Why not just make it so that these are details they only find out when they actually investigate instead of being knowledge they pull out of nowhere. Why do I even bother. Why do I keep reading then?—Read my username. That's why. Your choice, read it or not just don't expect much. Which hurts to say since most of what I read could be improved by the most basic stuff s*upid people like me can think of.

Update: Reading further,

I made it to chapter 34 and no more I say. <<less
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