Let’s Kidnap the Male Lead!


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I’ve been transported into a novel written by my friend, becoming the minor villain, Vivian Schmidt, who gets brutally killed after kidnapping the male lead!

According to the original story, the male lead, Kallis, escapes after killing Vivian and has a fateful encounter with the female lead. In other words, to keep the story on track, I must kidnap the male lead!

Reluctantly, I kidnap him, planning to calm him down and then release him, but there’s a problem.

‘I don’t know what Kallis looks like!’

So, I ended up kidnapping every handsome man I came across. To avoid retaliation from the kidnapped men, I provided them with luxurious accommodations, gourmet food, and all sorts of conveniences! If they weren’t the male lead, I released them safely.

But then, unexpected and strange people started showing up.

‘I’ve been wondering when you’d recognize my disguise and catch me. I’m glad it still works, Vivian.’

From Melfis, who disguises himself as different people just to be kidnapped by me.

‘Where do I rank among the handsome men you’ve kidnapped so far?’

To Dietrich, the original villain, who willingly gets captured and boasts about his looks.

‘I’ve never experienced such intense attention before. Do you like me so much you want to kidnap me? You’re cute.’

Even Ludovica, the original female lead, who, disguised as a man, gets kidnapped and then insists on becoming friends!

While I’m desperately searching for the male lead, only these strange people gather around me. Is this really okay?

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남주 좀 납치합시다!
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