Let Us Tread the Path of Wicked Elegance


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The moment I remembered I was a villainess was during my wedding to a balding, overweight old man—after my engagement to the prince had been annulled. …Wait, but this man… he’s not so bad. Actually, he might even be a little charming… This is the story of a villainess with a preference for older men.

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HiddenHermit rated it
December 5, 2024
Status: Completed
It was interesting and unique at the beginning but I didn’t like the over the top ending. Still something silly and easy to read if you got the spare time.


MC’s ex-finance (the crown prince) schemes to have MC marry the Prime Minister. However, MC always had an attraction to older men and finds her hubby attractive. MC and her hubby end up loving and spoiling each other.

As for the ex, MC’s hubby set up for him to become the 13th husband of a foreign queen.

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