Let Go of That ADC


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Because of the fate of a cat, the impoverished writer and sh*t shoveling officer Yue Feng owed a large amount of human debt. The creditor was actually the first ADC in the universe and the legendary e-sports player Q-ONE.

By accident, Yue Feng changed his career to become an e-sports reporter. He followed the talented e-sports teenagers 24 hours a day all around 360 degrees, without any blind spots, and accidentally became a loyal domestic dog.

Yue Feng: I’m really a cat guy! !

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AriaSoul16 rated it
May 3, 2022
Status: Completed
This novel is sweet and fluffy. It is a good story but I am disappointed with how short it was.

The MC is gentle and caring while the ML is an introvert. Their relationship has a very natural progression from acquaintances to roommates to lovers.

I don't like how the coach interferes with their relationship. If he hadn't scared Ml, the two would have been together earlier and they wouldn't be hurt. It is reasonable for him to stop relationships as it could affect ML during games because of unstable emotions but I feel that his way of doing it is detestable.

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