Legged Mimic


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When I noticed it, I was placed in a dungeon as a treasure box.

Yup. I don’t know what to say, because I really don’t know. When I was attacked by a human, I tried to flee in desperation, unknowingly I grew a leg. So now, what should I do !?

This is a story of a girl who has become a mimic, how she shakes the world with the power she acquired.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Bikyaku Mimic, Harumi-san ~Tensei Monster Isekai Nariagari Densetsu~
Legged Mimic, Miss Harumi – Reincarnated Into a Monster in another world ~
These Legs Don’t Lie! Harumi’s Legacy as the Strongest Mimic
美脚ミミック、ハルミさん ~転生モンスター異世界成り上がり伝説~
Related Series
Recommendation Lists
  1. WUT? Offbeat and/or absurd concepts
  2. Female Protagonist + Fantasy series I've Read

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/30/21 Isohungry Translations c6
07/13/21 Tiger Translations c2
06/03/21 Tiger Translations c1
06/06/18 FoxTeller v1 illustrations
06/05/18 FoxTeller c5
06/05/18 FoxTeller c4
06/02/18 FoxTeller c3
05/31/18 FoxTeller c2
04/17/18 FoxTeller c1
05/28/18 FoxTeller v1 illustrations
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5 Reviews sorted by

Hannalrd rated it
June 4, 2018
Status: --
You're there minding your business when suddenly a homicidal weirdo with leg fetish appears and dons you with a legendary pair of high heels... Then runs off to kill your boss... Of course there is a lot more to the initial plot than this, but. A treasure box monster grows legs and now is wearing high heels thanks to their fantastic legs and a pe*vert?

I feel underwhelmed in a strange way.. Wonder if oncoming chapters will add more to the story?
12 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
April 20, 2018
Status: --
I don't feel like it's fair for me to rate this since there's only one chapter.

So far, there are only a few things to note:

  • The main character is a female mimic (a monster that looks like a treasure chest) with the "unfortunate beauty" title. She is completely weak and just grew a leg to run away.
  • The writing style is very typical for this type of Japanese novel. Rambling, somewhat repetative, first-person narrative.
  • The translation quality is just ok. You can understand it, but there are typos, repetitive lines, and it sort of feels like a direct machine translation.
I will update this review later when more chapters come out.
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UninuitiveCommenter rated it
November 26, 2019
Status: c5
I enjoyed it, simple, I refreshing, yet unloved by the translator :' (. Obvious issue of the lack of translated material aside

The op high heels broke my imursion when suddenly a lvl1 kills 20 ish newbies, instructor and aide

Don't read, not because of quality, but because lack of translation will leave you wanting.
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Yume. rated it
October 14, 2020
Status: c28
| TL;DR Version: Give it a read if you want a short rather unique comedy and non dark version of Re:Monster but with a female protagonist, but avoid it if you wish for any kind of closure as there are only 28 chapters. (Including Raws.) |

Not a bad little novel, the author has even released the first two volumes in book format and it reads as a comedy streamlined version of novels such as Re:Monster, however this author tends to start on novels and if they do not accrue as... more>> much attention once published as the author desires then there is little chance of it being continued let alone finished.

This novel has that problem unfortunately, the one work this author has continued to keep going is the mainstream 'classic tueeee Japanese trope' type which I personally despise called: 即死チートが最強すぎて、異世界のやつらがまるで相手にならないんですが。 (My Instant Death Ability is So Overpowered, No One in This Other World Stands a Chance Against Me!) <<less
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Tenome rated it
June 21, 2023
Status: v1
It's okay. The light novel was axed, and I haven't read past v1 so I'm not sure how much story there is there (nor do I remember how many chapters v1 even covers). I think he also dropped the web novel because the LN sold like shit.

If you're looking to scratch that mimic itch, there's an English-original web novel called "Everybody Loves Large Chests."
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