Le Festin de Vampire


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Though it was not a mistake of god, the protagonist has died and found himself in a white space with his only best friend who claims to be a god, who told him he could go through a reincarnation where he found that he had become a vampire girl and was now in a fantasy world!!

Associated Names
One entry per line
A God’s Time-killer: Vampire’s Banquet
神の暇つぶし 吸血鬼の饗宴~Le Festin de Vampire.
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Recommendation Lists
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10 Reviews sorted by

admira rated it
February 13, 2016
Status: --
I read part-way through the 2nd arc before I couldn't take it any more. There's a somewhat interesting premise, but the logical jumps in this story just frustrates me. On more than one occasion, it feels like the author is just too lazy to have the characters react properly to the situations.
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Dissimilate rated it
April 26, 2018
Status: v2c1

Okay... where to start with this one. The story was pretty good, until.....

Her birthday celebration is more important than going to the authorities after almost being killed?! seriously??? Then she is allowed to ride in a carriage alone for days, after her entire family has been put to sleep magically.... in their own home..... and she was almost killed? just so that she could go to school??

Then she gets attacked in front of the school, and simply turns him over to someone without giving any kind of statement or at least making sure he is locked up and she does not inform her family and the school does nothing??

The MCs family are not part of the country they are living in, they are not its citizens. So why is there no ambassador going to the king and demanding a full formal investigation for the protection of these guests??

Pure contrived drama with absolutely no foundation of any common sense at all. I would normally rate this as a 1 star but it is getting a 2 star rating for the storyline of how she begins her magic training at home.

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DevilScarlet rated it
March 12, 2016
Status: --
I would say, it’s a classic fluffy-japanese-gender bender-transport to other world-loli story.

We have a loli vampire really OP (at least x10 power than ppl of her age) a bit carefree (I mean, ppl attempted to her life multiple time but it was like “everything is fine”)

You can find some hole in the story and huge time leap (like 100 years?) but don’t worry the plot is here for this.

But apart from this, our loli vampire is cute, her harem is cute as well and the plot isn’t really heavy... more>> so it’s an heart-warming story. And the MC don’t seems to want to create a harem and isn’t pe*verted, thanks god.

4/5 but don’t expect too much, I just rate the setting, not the actual story. <<less
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kawaii12345 rated it
May 20, 2020
Status: v3c14
TLDR : It's kind of painful the initial translation is like a nail in the eye.

Translation 1/5 the second is better but look at when they start

Readability 2/5

... more>> Characters 1/5

Plot 2/5

World building 2/5

The setup could have been interesting but there was just so much glossed over it's potential was wasted. The novel practically yadda yaddas over her first twelve years. There are big events that just don't ring true and ham handed attempts to force things into tropes, while the first translator who handled most of the story was abysmal, the author seems to have an awkward style that even hurts better translators. Just a real painful read <<less
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rllbcheese rated it
August 21, 2017
Status: v3c4
This fighting in this novel makes no sense. Literally none at all. One moment the MC is displaying extrodinary feats well beyond the other residents of the world, and the next, is getting caught in mundane, weak traps that she should be able to simply ignore. The author needs a fair bit more practice at writing combat scenes, to say the least.

On the other hand, the story is warm, fun, and overall has a not-too-serious tone to it. There's a fair bit of deus-ex-machina to it, but if you can... more>> overlook that the slice-of-life elements are the strong point of the series.

All in all, 2/5 for the fighting, 4/5 for the rest, resulting in a mediocre 3/5 <<less
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Azur Lazuli
Azur Lazuli rated it
November 26, 2016
Status: v3c3
A fluffy genderbender story that I love. The main character is an adorable yet feracious in fighting, our favourite vampire girl Alysia. It's not a serious story and there's not much plot going on to boot. It is mostly about heartwarming and lighthearted stories and experiences of our little vampire. There are some dark parts, which aren't really focused on.

It's really fun to read but some parts are really dragged on forever by the author such as the tournament and the bandits arc. The amount of endless fighting was horrendous... more>> and a bit of chore to translate. It's still such a shame on how the author decided to leave this one hanging without giving it a conclusion. Even a rushed one or an open one is much appreciated. <<less
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Dodeca rated it
November 2, 2016
Status: v3c2
It's very good so far. I expected a lot worse, so I may be biased a bit not taking this from an objective standpoint. However it really is one of the better reincarnation novels I've read. Although I do have to warn you. The translator is currently on a break as of writing this. Luckily he hasn't dropped it yet, but he may.

Characters: 4

Idea: 3.5

Story: 5

Clichés: Too many to count, but I'm already used to it

Final Judgement: 5 (A pretty good novel)
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SovietWeeb rated it
August 22, 2018
Status: v3c8
I find it a bit sad. The first Volume was pretty fun. Had it's issues and wasn't even close to being what I'd call a great story. But was fun to read. Volume Two came and this is where the story started having some issues. Might just be me, But I never like it in fantasy stories where it takes place in a school. I'd rather have the MC exploring the world than staying in one place and not doing much. The final chapter of Volume Two and Volume 3... more>> is where it finally lost me.

The pacing is an issue. Her time growing up goes by way to fast. Her living with the parents is easily the best part and it's a shame that the story seemed so interested in moving past that part.

Volume two has her starting out at school and also introduces my favorite character of the story, The Goddess. Honestly, I'd ship both the MC and the Goddess together. It also has probably the worst of the pacing out of all the story. The MC spends 100 years in the blink of a chapter. Nothing is different about her. It's like the MC just stepped out the door for a minute. Her personality is the same, She doesn't seem affected by such a lapse of time and her body doesn't change at all (There are two translations of that part and each one saying a different amount of time has lapsed. One said 1-Year and the other said 100-Years) The MC is constantly bringing up how long she's been away from the world, But never actually seems to care or be affected by it. Then we get the awful arena fight with the introduction of the character that really killed the story for me.

Volume Three is the greatest offender when it comes to the MC's power not being consistent. It's something that bugs me in stories. I quickly got bored

Overall, This story could've been interesting but quickly lost its appeal. <<less
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Ilyana_hanami rated it
January 31, 2023
Status: --
Pure 1 star

I fully not understand why majority of 'Authors' make fascinating stories yet some of them so lazy or something else to make this.. good novels until the plot seemingly very... Not making sense.

It's very frustrating.. At the end it still fun no matter what this novel will be in

'bad novel maybe good for others, not my kind of taste, I read this only for in my bored times'
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Tsushiki rated it
December 9, 2017
Status: v3c5
MC is an op vampire. Who is literally training to be at a level of a god. There is a weird transition and somehow ... more>>

MC suddenly learn to use mystic power, even though there was nothing saying she trained to use it.

A cute/fluffy story as others have said and some Yuri added in there. The only dissapointing aspect is that translators seems to be dead. So if you pick this up and read, expect not having any content to read after catching up to where I am.

(Berserk's translation on his site is deleted, not sure why its still in the list) <<less
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