Kono Ai ni Hizamazuke


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Choosing not to follow in the footsteps of his father, who serves as legal advisor for the yakuza criminal organization Komine-kai, Fuyuki instead becomes a corporate lawyer and is looking forward to a life of smooth sailing. Those hopes are dashed, however, when his father falls ill, and Mitora, the head of the gang and Fuyuki’s childhood friend, pressures him to take over his father’s position. When he declines, Mitora imprisons him as his captive and plaything, and Fuyuki ends up losing both his job and his girlfriend. “Even as a kid I knew, nobody was gonna be my other half but you.” What will Fuyuki do when Mitora unleashes the full ferocity of his love…!?

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Kono Ai ni Oborero
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  1. Right in the cocoro BL
  2. Finished Reading

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07/18/20 translatingfujoshi v1c3
07/12/20 translatingfujoshi v1c2
07/07/20 translatingfujoshi v1c1
07/06/20 translatingfujoshi v1 prologue
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orztodaempress rated it
July 25, 2022
Status: Completed
Story: 4/5

Translation: 5/5

Overall, I rated it a 5 because I feel bad for the translator-san who did such a good job but received such a harsh response (> T^T) >

... more>> People who are hating on it simply because of the r*pe and stockholm syndrome tags need to understand that this is very common for Japanese and eastern BLs and that there's no point of hating on this specific novel - it doesn't do anything particularly outrageous.

Anyways, this story goes about how I would expect from the premise and summary. It's a story about a yakuza young master and his straight childhood friend.

The smut is great. The plot smut ratio is around 50:50.

Even though it's a r*pe, the MC enjoys the s*x - which is better than if not imo cuz that makes it more dub-con than non-con (?)

The reviewer who claims there's no romance in the story; I disagree. The whole point of the story is that the ML loves the MC and can't accept his rejection. Which is very in-line with his character as the young master of a yakuza syndicate. As it's pretty well-known that yakuzas just do whatever the hell they want.

My only problem with this novel was:


The ML used a gun to threaten the MC a few times. He wasn't very malicious but it just reminded me a little too much of how actual yakuzas threaten people...


Oh and major spoiler about why the ML is so relentless and possessive of the MC:


Turns out the ML had proposed to the MC when they were younger (and still on talking terms) and the MC thoughtlessly agreed, not truly understanding what the ML meant lol


The translation was superb. Though there weren't any translation notes, there were equally few grammatical or comprehension errors.

The translator even gave the ML a distinct accent (I'm not sure if this was some creative liberty on their part to differentiate a Japanese accent in the original text) which showed obvious effort on their part.

Thank you so much for your hard work translator-san! (>^3^) > <<less
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Nagisa rated it
February 23, 2021
Status: c3
There is no credible romance. Just r*pe. Not that I mind it, its just that the tags made me believe there was gonna be some real romance afterwards rather than "my body cant live without him" and "i got used to so I dont mind it/now I love him" type of thing. (Now that I think back it just seems like the MC got stolkholm sydrome-d into "loving" the ml)

anyway it all depends on personal taste. The moment the ML destroyed everything the MC achieved in life and disregarded... more>> it as if they were worth nothing (other yandere mls at least acknowledge that they are taking important things away from their mcs) this novel lost me. <<less
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