King of Assassins


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The most dependable (sarcastic) assassin — Gao Xuan. Developing himself with an inventory of powerful gear. A master of biding his time, backstabbing, and brutalizing weaklings. Don’t love me. Nothing would come out of this. I am an assassin without feelings.

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December 22, 2024
Status: c32
A story that's hard to assess early on. There's little to like and little to dislike. I decided I was wasting my time around chapter 32 (part of it is because there are only 40 chapters available on WN - the others on the novelhunters site disappeared, though I was going to look for MTL/raws if it was good enough).

How should I put it? This story feels like someone took a recipe for a novel and then followed it to a tee. Yes, it's hard to nitpick the result (though... more>> there are some things that I think make little sense when it comes to setting and backstory), but it's also hard to like it. Or you can it's like something mass-produced. One way or another, there's no life in this novel. There's nothing to draw the reader in. At least so far.

You can take a look if you want (at least it's not bad), but mind that there are only 40 TLed chapters available as of the moment I write this. <<less
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