Killer and Healer


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The story of an autumn set against a Republican China backdrop, a period of socio-political unrest. The Chief of the Jingcheng Police Station, Jiang Yuelou, who is neither wholly good nor evil, leaves drug-smuggling criminals trembling at the sound of his name. As Jiang Yuelou tracks down an opium case, he encounters Doctor Chen Yuzhi by chance. One’s a killer, the other’s a healer. Two people with conflicting morals mutually redeem each other and become the best of friends during a time of crisis.

Associated Names
One entry per line
hen jun bu si jiang lou yue
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Recommendation Lists
  1. cnovel to cdrama (BL)
  2. itsdark
  3. BL Novel
  4. Crime/Mystery
  5. Crime/Mystery Solving BL

Latest Release

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3 Reviews sorted by

rights rated it
May 22, 2021
Status: v1c18
Everything I want to mention about this remarkable novel:

1- The novel has very entertaining story that make you want to read the next chapter as soon as possible.

2- All characters have unique personality that makes this story more attractive.

... more>> 3- The relation between leading characters was beautifully portrayed that will cause you to think about them even when you're in a dream.

4- The translation is so good. This makes it easy to grasp the scenes and the emotion of characters. As well, they explain idiomatic part for international readers who are not familiar with Chinese culture.

5- In the end I suggest everyone to watch the killer and healer drama too. I watched the drama first. They selected the right person for the characters especially two main, that make me imagine even their facial expression while reading the novel.

6- If you hesitate to read the novel, give it a try. You'll surely going to love it. Otherwise, you're going to miss a beautiful story.

7- Hope this review will help you. <<less
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BLfanaticc rated it
July 10, 2021
Status: c27
I really like this novel, and it gives me a sense of comfort. I frickin love how beautiful the trust and love between the two mains are. Even if it is a bit plot-oriented, the chemistry between the ML and MC is just top tier to me. (There's a second couple as well whose dynamic is quite interesting.) Please give this story a chance, I definitely think it's worth the read.

(´。• ᵕ •。`) <3
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HotCocoaExtraChocoSyrup rated it
October 16, 2023
Status: c27
I wish someone would pick this up! I loved the drama version which you can see on yt, they are perfect! I want to keep reading the novel too, since it has so many cute moments which weren’t shown in the drama but it’s not translated. T_T

please, please someone translate this and let me know, so I can come back to this novel! I’ve been waiting for 2 years now. T_T
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