Kill me, Darling


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“I am Damian Wells,” the aide to Duke Heminghem and the primary mission target introduced himself.

Unlike her previous target, Grand Duke Ian Calabriel, Damian exuded a freshness and vitality that unnerved her.

Why did he so often remind her of Ian?

Claire found herself irresistibly drawn to Damian despite her efforts to maintain professional detachment.

Just as her burgeoning feelings became impossible to conceal, another directive arrived.

She was to become the belle of the Queensland social circle, tasked with a perilous mission in the capital, where the royal palace stood.

She would have to depart without revealing anything to Damian, assuming it would sever their connection for good.


“Claire, darling,” Damian’s voice cut through the darkness on the night she believed her mission was nearing its end.

In that moment, Claire realized the truth she had overlooked.

Her every move, even her perceived failures, had been anticipated.


Under the moonlight, her radiant, angelic form in the pristine gown gave him a pause.

You could take flight anywhere, unbound.

Even were I to restrain you, you would eventually seek to soar free.

I am bound to this earth, without your salvation, I can never follow you forever.

Claire, Ana- by whichever name I call you, you have been the object of my long devotion.

Kill me or save me.

Grant me freedom through your love.

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