Kekkon Shoya no Deathloop~Nosuji Reijou wa Nando Shindemo Megemasen~


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One day, Katrea, the youngest and only daughter of a countryside noble received a suspicious marriage offer from one of the most prestigious aristocratic family in the country, the Vrag family.

Blinded by his good looks, wealth and closeness in age, all these great conditions, Katrea agreed without a second thought. However, the Duke appeared particularly cold towards her on their first meeting, like he was completely uninterested in his bride. And on the day of their wedding, she overheard the Duke mocking her family with his friends.

Enrage by that, Katrea exploded and refused to engage in the various activities of a wedding night. But she was eventually forced into his bedroom and died before she could process what had happened.

「Eh? I came back to life?」

She should be dead, but when she opened her eyes, she had somehow gone back in time, right before she left for the Duke’s bedroom. Katrea actually looped back on the worst wedding night ever!

Every time she died, she would loop back to the start of this terrible night.

Can this simple-minded Ojou-sama overcome the deathloop?

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ketchupblood rated it
July 21, 2020
Status: c64
Oh boy, the summary completely misrepresents the story.

What it sounds like: as*hole husband humiliates our MC and then forces her into his bedroom for reasons. She dies during reasons and then is reincarnated to repeat a few hours of angst.

What it actually is: You still have the as*hole husband humiliating our MC, but he actually barely shows up for the first half of the story. She does die in his bedroom, but at no point does she angst. Instead, you have a mu*der mystery where the mu*der victim is also... more>> the detective.

I think the rewinding portion of this story is a really interesting mystery and very well done. There are some frustrating parts, but the frustration is within the narrative rather than with the narrative (i.e. Our MC is also frustrated and expresses this at length at the sources of frustration).

The romance:

was cute, actually! By the end, I was convinced that the Duke was actually a good guy. He follows the trope of socially-stunted-ML-misunderstood-as-an-as*hole but, whereas most of the time these MLs really are a**holes, he's a genuinely good guy.


More specifically,

he had given in to peer pressure to insult her family, but he had also found his backbone a few seconds later to take back what he said and defend her family's honor (this happened immediately after she left, of course).

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Ya Think
Ya Think rated it
January 4, 2022
Status: epilogue
Gosh... The MC is so funny...

Just as described by previous reviewer... There's no angst for the MC.

This really about MC trying to figure out who wants to kill her.

Romance? To me, it's just a side story. The ML is not bad, actually, but he's just there as side character. ... more>>

he's not even involve in her quest to search for the assassin. He's like the police in movies that only appear when everything is settle. (all because he's busy sulking, thinking MC hated him)


As for MC... She's brilliant, in term of her personality. She really straight forward with what she want and speak her mind.


What? ML insult her family? You think I want to marry you that much!

After manage to find out who stab her. Go straight to her killer (when she re-live) and ask "why you want to kill me" 🤣

After dying so many time.. Forget it, I'll just steal a horse and run. Of course it end up failure

And many other

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