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After several brief and coincidental encounters over a long period, these repeated short meetings oddly became deeply embedded in Yeonwoo’s memory. One day, he met him again in the library. He thought it would be just another fleeting coincidence, but this time was different.

“I came here to study too.”

“What about your job?”

“I quit.”

He was no longer just a passing acquaintance to Yeonwoo. However, unsure of his intentions, Yeonwoo tried not to assign any significance to this meeting, but his eyes kept drifting towards him. Why does he keep feeling nervous when he sees him?

“It’s nice to meet you, Song Yeonwoo.”

He suddenly extended his hand.


He firmly grasped Yeonwoo’s hand and said calmly and clearly, “Kim Shin.”

[July is the prequel spin-off of December. July was released first, and December was developed later as the Omegaverse AU spin-off of July.]
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December (Alternate Story)
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07/16/24 Spring Of Romance c3.2
07/13/24 Spring Of Romance c3.1
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07/06/24 Spring Of Romance c2.4
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