Juggling Roles


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Hu Xiu, who has always been unlucky in love, plays the immersive mu*der mystery game Snowpiercer. She becomes smitten with an NPC actor at first sight. Even though she only knows his in-game name, Qin Xiaoyi, and has to pay 500 yuan per ticket just to interact with him, she keeps showing up every week, blushing and her heart racing for him.

For Diao Zhiyu, acting is just a job, and making the players happy is part of his performance. He never expected the romance storyline to spill into real life.

Hu Xiu’s best friend, Zhao Xiaorou, thinks she’s crazy. After all, there are so many eligible people in the world; why waste effort on just one? In her philosophy, “the more, the merrier” and “you reap what you sow” don’t apply to love.

For city dwellers, love is never as simple as one stepping off the stage while another steps on.

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Yà xì
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Lazy_Queen rated it
December 18, 2024
Status: Completed
What a roller coaster this novel was.

FL has a sad past, which she is not handling very well at first, but at least she has two good friends to help her out. Unfortunately these two friends also have their own issues going on, and so this book is us following their evolution: dealing with their problems, be it personal, or professional, and specially, romantic.

FL falls in love with a character (relatable) and eventually the actor who does the character, and takes strength from this love to change her life. It’s... more>> a surprisingly down to earth story, in which every step made perfect sense, creating an engaging realistic love story that I find so hard to find in this website.

The only thing that I didn’t like (but that’s a pet peeve of mine and I’m happy there was no tag for it or I wouldn’t have given this a chance) is that there is a type of romantic triangle. It made sense and I liked the characters, but I hate love triangles as a rule, and it did take a lot of chapters to resolve. <<less
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