Judge of the Song Dynasty


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It was 1068, Year 1 of the Xining era. Emperor Zhao Xu had recently ascended the throne of the Song dynasty. The widely respected old-guard of civil officials, Ouyang Xiu, Han Qi, and Fu Bi, were in their twilight years. The unorthodox reformer Wang Anshi was full of vigor, wishing to reverse the tide of decline sweeping over the empire. The stubborn Sima Guang would rather leave imperial government than give up on proper orthodoxy. The literary Su Shi watched from the sidelines, unable to pick a side.

With such a talented crop of civil officials, the Song dynasty should have shone brightly. Instead, these geniuses embarked on a mutually destructive course, leaving the Song empire with a gaping, irreparable wound, and leaving future students of history with regret and controversy.

But the sudden arrival of a junior lawyer opens a new path for the Song dynasty. Reformers and conservatives, civil and military officials, domestic and foreign affairs, all shall come under the Law.

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Recommendation Lists
  2. Read and liked
  3. Not A Romance
  4. Interesting Historical Webnovel
  5. Needles in the haystack

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/14/25 Tuzhi Translations c169
02/08/25 Tuzhi Translations c168
02/07/25 Tuzhi Translations c167
02/01/25 Tuzhi Translations c166
01/31/25 Tuzhi Translations c165
01/25/25 Tuzhi Translations c164
01/25/25 Tuzhi Translations c163
01/24/25 Tuzhi Translations c162
01/18/25 Tuzhi Translations c161
01/17/25 Tuzhi Translations c160
01/11/25 Tuzhi Translations c159
01/10/25 Tuzhi Translations c158
01/04/25 Tuzhi Translations c157
01/03/25 Tuzhi Translations c156
12/28/24 Tuzhi Translations c155
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6 Reviews sorted by

makenai89 rated it
January 2, 2024
Status: --
So fun and inspiring!

A junior lawyer from modern day earth got transported to the Song dynasty. He arrived while drown in a river, but luckily got saved by a girl. The girl was involved in a legal problem after stabbing her fiancee & he got dragged in the matter. How would he save the girl from the gallows and repay her kindness?

Starting from that case, MC developed his career as "pen-in-cap" --an ancient equivalent of a lawyer. Each case got more and more significant, affecting the country's policies and development.... more>> He also became more than just a lawyer, including but not limited to publishing newspaper, teaching economics & legal knowledges, and more.

The novel felt like a crossover between John Grisham-style court drama and ancient Chinese historical drama. We got to know more about ancient Chinese legal system and how they differed from modern-day laws. For example, ancient laws used presumption of guilt while modern laws used presumption of innocence.

There were also various interesting discussions on politics, ethics, confucianism, legalism, economics, etc. No unnecessary info dump, because all topics were integrated well into the developing cases.

On the downside, it seemed too easy for MC to forget his past and integrate to the Song dynasty. But this was a common problem for time travel novels and did not reduce our enjoyment.

The novel is still ongoing. The original story is really well-written, while the translation by Tuzhi is pretty accurate & delightful. Please keep it up both author & translator! <<less
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MeatEatingPriest rated it
August 30, 2023
Status: c26
I've really enjoyed this novel so far!

The premise is that a modern lawyer transmigrates back in time to the Song Dynasty and becomes personally involved in a case that is significant in Chinese legal history. He gets involved with important political figures and their agendas as a result. I've just finished the first arc and am looking forward to how the story progresses. As of chapter 26 it seems like he's managed to repay his benefactors but still isn't in a particularly secure position and has offended some powerful figures.

The... more>> protagonist comes across as a skilled lawyer with high charisma. He's intelligent, persuasive, possesses a good understanding of human nature, and is an adept rhetorician. He also seems like a good person thus far. He has refused some monetary gains and made helping the person who saved him immediately post transmigration his top priority. The other characters also don't seem one dimensional and have their own desires and personalities. The protagonist's characterization as a modern man comes out well in his interactions with others. He has the experience of a much more litigious society and it shows. He doesn't feel like a cheat character though; he feels fear confronting powerful figures and although he has the advantage of practicing a more complicated legal tradition it feels like he's earned his wins. The people of this time don't come off as bumbling idiots either. They often find the protagonist's actions and arguments audacious but are able to follow his line of reasoning and put up resistance if they oppose him.

The translation by Tuzhi translation is great! It maintains historical flavor while being easy to read. The politicking, legal arguments and historical background are presented naturally and explained well without coming across as shallow. The work overall is quite engaging. I'd definitely recommend it if this synopsis sounds interesting to you! <<less
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azuron rated it
October 24, 2023
Status: c168
An amazingly planned and executed novel. It's a fusion of legal drama with ancient china settings making it a very interesting and fresh novel. The chapters are exciting enough and the main character is very likeable. Would recommend.

I would write more, but I need to get back to binging the remaining chapters. Neither the writing nor the translation would disappoint. 10/10

... more>> Edit (c168)

Awesome! Another novel ruined by polygamy. The author can't just keep it in their pants and have MC end up with one lady. F This. Revised rating: 5.8/10 <<less
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Leayayay rated it
June 19, 2024
Status: c55
Translation is top notch, tl added lot of useful footnotes so we can understand the story better, they also always replied any question we have for the story. Kudos for tl.

For the story, I like it. MC is not so omnipotent and know it all type of guy. He's realistic, bit of shameless and pretty good at flattering. Also smart and resourceful, many of his plan didn't went as he want but he always managed to adapt and maneuver his way out of the problems. Overall really good. Give it... more>> a read if you want to read some courtroom drama in ancient china <<less
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Lagares.mi rated it
March 25, 2024
Status: c415
Very thought-provoking. It makes the reader anxious about the changes that the protagonist generates after solving a case. I think it's interesting to add the HAREM tag. I don't particularly like it, but in this case the author put it in a way that didn't bother me. MTL is readable, but correct translation is another level. I decided to wait and continue reading. In the end, it's a good story.
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Dufortyeager rated it
December 1, 2024
Status: c25
Well the starting is good but it becomes incredeblely cliche when the typical the half brain girl is introduced whose first encounter with MC is accident being called a pe*vert but is a really good person? The supposedly good writing the charector that is shown as MC fights in the court and the outside of that really really different the fight the good sences are good but other than that it just your shameless and also nassarasict MC... and the most annoying part is such two annoying people will become... more>> lover to haters... ahhhh the cringe.... in one word romance ruins it... <<less
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