Journey to Seek Past Reincarnations


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People say that the catastrophes in this life are often caused by the actions of your previous lives. No matter how many lifetimes you suffer, it cannot be changed. But there is a kind of transaction in the world that can solve it. It doesn’t require money, but instead a drop of your tears.

Ye Yin, who was adopted by her mysterious teacher, is proficient in psychicism. After facing a variety of clients, crossing time and space to visit different countries, and after repeated tasks, can she resolve her own disaster, or will she lose her love to a man from a different time?

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A Journey to the Past
Related Series
Journey to Seek Past Reincarnations (The Fleeting Time Turns) (Sequel)
Recommendation Lists
  1. To remember
  2. Manhua
  3. Xian/Wu + Xia

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2 Reviews sorted by

willwiz rated it
September 21, 2016
Status: c18
The main character is the familiar mindless type who stereotypically doesn't have common sense. Despite having an important job where she can't afford to make any mistake, she constantly do things without thinking of the consequences. She says whatever comes to mind without thinking of the consequence, doesn't pay attention to what her master warns, doesn't plan things out, reveals what she's not suppose to, constantly slacks on the job, and takes things for granted. Sometimes she even realises this, but treats her job as a joy ride. As a... more>> result, unexpected things happens during her mission. This novel is of her life and fate, and how she interacts with her missions <<less
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Reina Nanakira
Reina Nanakira rated it
October 16, 2018
Status: c176
It's good overall for me, both the Manhua and Novel. But I dislike the Drama version, it lead to neutral ending-bad ending.

I want the MC girl ended up with the vampire guy. Hope all the guy that she met, is the vampire guy :' (


But in the drama version, the MC girl isn't a human, but made from the Master (forgot his name) limbs, and ended up she gave up her life. There's hint that the Master still alive while the vampire guy still nowhere to be seen.

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