Jesus Heaven, Unbelief Hell


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If you don’t want to be left behind, believe in Jesus.

– A Fauvist story of a modern-day exorcist.

“If the Lord Above wants mechanical fanatics with their free will castrated, I’ll help.

“I will send even the last person to Heaven. I will preach to all the sinners in the world the solemn meaning of Jesus’ Heaven and Unbelievers’ Hell.

“But leave me out of that disgusting skit.”

Watching everyone ascend to Heaven, I will proudly walk into Hell.

Associated Names
One entry per line
예수천국 불신지옥
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Uhhh reading for later
  2. Novel I have hatred for
  3. My type <3
  4. Spirits | Espiritos
  5. desperate for translations

Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/19/24 Lightnovelasia c62
12/17/24 Lightnovelasia c61
12/16/24 Lightnovelasia c60
12/16/24 Lightnovelasia c59
12/15/24 Lightnovelasia c58
12/14/24 Lightnovelasia c57
12/13/24 Lightnovelasia c56
12/11/24 Lightnovelasia c55
12/11/24 Lightnovelasia c54
12/10/24 Lightnovelasia c53
12/08/24 Lightnovelasia c52
12/08/24 Lightnovelasia c51
12/07/24 Lightnovelasia c50
12/06/24 Lightnovelasia c49
12/04/24 Lightnovelasia c48
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4 Reviews sorted by

clisenby rated it
December 11, 2021
Status: c6
It's quite interesting. The deeply religious will likely be offended. He makes great points on the hypocrisy of Christianity despite his flawed nature. Anyway those truly good people will either offer excesses or downplay the flaws of the religious/Christianity. As of chapter 6 he starts to go after siners so we will have to see what happens next. The translator is trying to get more readers so give it a try.
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GoldEmperor rated it
November 12, 2021
Status: c5
Just amazing! Seriously only 5 chapters came but all of are bangers! I would like more to read from this one
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Totally sane guy
Totally sane guy rated it
February 8, 2023
Status: c8
honestly, this is a novel which might trigger some guys with religious sentiments but it takes initiative to point out the flaws of Christianity and it also unveils us it's hypocrisy.

Each and every chapter is filled with emotions it honestly makes me question religions and their so called 'doctrine', this is the thing I like the most about this novel, at the same time kudos to the translators who brought this work to us but, unfortunately It seems that it's been dropped by the translators...

EDIT: A new translator team picked it up less gooo!!
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youjo senki
youjo senki rated it
September 18, 2022
Status: v1c8
honestly it’s a good novel I read till chapter 8 and it’s hooking me up the translation is amazing as well cuz you know how hard the translator worked after end of the chapters and so let’s go to the story it’s great like marvelous first it’s some usual life and weird thing you feel but don’t get it then bam! In your face it will get your attention I can’t say much but I recommend it // the guy has a raging issue and he has a problem with... more>> oreo and milk for people who find that arguable go read it then come back and say what you want so read it and you’ll get it

===sorry I don’t do much reviews so I don’t know what to say but in the way I write you can say how I am excited <<less
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