Jashin (Megami) ni Yobarete Isekai Ten’i ~Inmon Majutsushi no Sokuochi Haremu Raifu~


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Ookame Yuya was abruptly summoned to another world by the evil god (goddess) Elias. To have revenge on the people of the world who banished her, Elias granted Yuya a strong aphrodisiac divine protection .

Having received the divine protection, Yuya bares his poisonous fangs on Elias from the start, and makes her his s*x s*ave.

This is the story about the harem life of a man whose only redeeming point is his strong vitality with the instantly-fallen girls……

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Summoned by an evil god (goddess) and transfer to another world~instant-fallen harem life of the magician of the lewd crest~
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Date Group Release
09/26/17 Kuso c4
09/26/17 Kuso c3
09/26/17 Kuso c2
09/26/17 Kuso c1
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