I’ve Inherited the Summoning Skill, So I’m Going to Try to Master It!


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Enjoying Fluffy Magical Creatures and Another World Life

Rufus was reincarnated as the third prince of the Kingdom of Eladoria. He was given a mission by the gods. 

That mission was to increase the recognition of the “Summoning Skill” Rufus had inherited.  

Happily accepting this mission, Rufus set out to fulfill it by freely and whimsically using the summoning skill to call forth various magical creatures.  

A dragon that flattens mountains, a lizard that breathes flames hot enough to melt metal, a mole that cultivates legendary-grade materials, a treasure chest sealing ancient dangerous artifacts, mischievous fairies, and tin robots.  

Together with these companions, Rufus begins to bring great change to the world, involving many people around him in the process…  

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