I’ve Come Back After Being Reborn


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The protagonist was reborn from the apocalypse, back into the present. In order to prepare for the inevitable, he decided to build his own fort.

However, after waiting and waiting, three months had passed but the apocalypse did not come. The world was still peaceful.

At this time, a familiar guest arrived and proclaimed himself as the saviour of the world.  

“To be honest, I really like this fort of yours. It helps my PTSD recovery. Can I know what’s the rent?

“What kind of PTSD?”

“To tell you the truth, you probably won’t believe me but it’s the PTSD as a result of the apocalypse. I’ve just prevented the apocalypse from happening.”

“I believe you.”  

Shou: “I’ve returned after being reborn! I’m ready for the apocalypse!”
Gong: “I’ve returned after being reborn! I’ve prevented the apocalypse!”
Shou: ?
Gong: ?

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4 Reviews

Oct 17, 2021
Status: Completed
Was a very soft, warm read.

It was a nice change from other reborn stories, where they try to look forward to a future with no apocalypse. I like how the flashbacks are in dialogues, summarized through speaking instead of having the readers experience it. It made it more engaging.

Fang Yuan and Jiang Heng's relationship started in quite an anti-climatic way. In other words, peacefully.

... more>> Definitely a short read I'd suggest, though I don't plan on reading the second story.

The translation is wonderful too. Wish it was finished, though but I'll wait and come back. <<less
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Dec 03, 2024
Status: c11
Finished with the first part of the story, and I'm just so happy for the main characters in this story. This is a rather short story so don't expect a lot of action or drama, but the way the story is written makes you ache for the characters, in such a way that even when the apocalyspse is prevented, there was still so much that they had lost and the impact of that experience still persist in their lives.

I'm so glad that they managed to find each other, hopefully time... more>> will heal both characters. <<less
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Sep 04, 2021
Status: c11
It was a very great read, it didn't tell about a magnificent and heroic story like the other apocalypse novels, but it talked more about pain, desperateness, and loneliness. Importantly, it showed how the characters acknowledged those feelings, through their reunion and the presence of each other.

... more>>

It's for the first story (Jiang He x Fang Yuan). The tone of this novel was a bit gloomy and hazy imo. For anyone who knows, it had a same atmosphere as the anime "Hai to Gensou no Grimgar", basically it was a slice of life stories about the life of MC and ML after rebirth, when they try to remember those times and then pass it just as is, a memory. My favorite part was about how sweet ML was, even before rebirth, he kept searching for MC after they separated, only to find that the MC had already died. Such a bittersweet story.


Don't worry it's HE. The first story finished at chapter 11, then the next chapters was the second story with another couple <<less
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Jul 16, 2021
Status: c4
pretty solid start I would say I expected the story to go more in to detail in the preparation but sense the Apocalypse was prevented I guess its fine. So far the story is funny sweet and a little bit sad I will wait for more chapters.
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