I’ve Already Beaten the Game, and Now you’re Dragging me into this Horror Story?


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After two and a half years of practice, Jiang Zhe finally completed a game called “Rules of the Horror Tales.”

After beating the game, he was transported into the world of…

“Rules of the Horror Tales.”

Each country in the world selects one Chosen One.

If the Chosen One succeeds, the nation’s fortune prospers.

If they fail, a supernatural event will randomly descend on a city, engulfing it for 48 hours.

Jiang Zhe was selected and awakened an SSS-level ability: “Unscientific Summoning,” which allows him to summon powerful aides from different dimensions.

The first 9-star Purgatory instance: “The Chaotic Courtroom”

[The player will play the role of a lawyer, gathering evidence of mu*der for the judge to execute the criminals.]

[Rule 1: All the following rules are false!]

[Rule 2: Never trust the judge, the police, or the forensics…]

[Rule 4: At midnight, your physical abilities will be enhanced tenfold.]

[Rule 7: Your memory will become chaotic during the day, and you may no longer be yourself…]

[Rule 11: All the above rules are true!]

Faced with such chaotic rules, other Chosen Ones proceed cautiously, yet all still meet their deaths.

“In my past life, I died 797 times in this very stage!” Jiang Zhe smiled knowingly.

“But now, this mere 9-star Purgatory!”

“And with an SSS-level ability: Unscientific Summoning.”

“Summon, Conan Edogawa!”

“Now then, Rules, how exactly do you plan to kill me?”

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09/10/24 Genz Novel c2
09/10/24 Genz Novel c1
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