It’s Okay, Except for Love


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There were two geniuses at Chez Chambre Academy.

Delilah Erika, loved by everyone, and Eric Briar loved by no one.

One day, Eric unintentionally rejects Delilah’s request to sit beside him.

After that, the contempt and ostracism toward Eric only intensified, and Delilah secretly visits Eric’s room at night…

After their secret meeting, Delilah routinely visits Eric’s room.

And as the secret meetings go on, the more they fall for one another.

However, the two are well aware that a relationship can never be achieved, so they decide to share everything, except for “love” only.

Except for “love” only.

“You’ll regret it, nuna.”

“I won’t.”

Actually, she might regret it, but she won’t regret everything that’s happened with Eric.

“…Except for love.”

“…Yes, except for love.”

Confirming till the end, Eric’s voice sounded not only a little cruel but kind as long as someone did not covet his heart.

Eric’s hand gently took her chin and tilted her face upward. Delilah tightly screwed her eyes shut, and their lips met in a natural sequence.

But she was glad. She could keep seeing him.

Delilah closed her eyes again. The kiss grew deeper and deeper. As the night deepened, so did their touches, and when Delilah let out a cry, Eric swallowed her sobbing moan with his lips.

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괜찮아, 사랑만 빼고
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Eloise Azz
Eloise Azz rated it
December 23, 2022
Status: c4
So far the premise of this story is good. It's not your typical mister popular ML that's perfect and good at everything. The ML despite being good looking is ostracized for his blunt and indifferent personality. Something in other novels that the mob characters perceive as a charm of the charater as long he has good looks but in here its not.

The FL also has a good character profile since she's also not your typical FL that's a damsel in distress and dependent on the ml. The FL is a... more>> smart woman without seeming invincible. She experiences pressure from being a honor student and from receiving the various good impressions of the people around her. This adds quite a lot of realism to the story where we don't usually see in lightnovels about the real struggles of the people who excell in their fields.

Overall I hope this story continues to develop well and not disappoint the good premise it has started. <<less
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