It’s a Reverse Harem Horror Game, But the State of the Male Leads Is Strange


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I found myself trapped in the reverse harem horror game “Lucifer’s Castle,” notorious for its insane difficulty.

Somehow, I must find and kill Lucifer hidden within the castle within 100 days to log out.

However, the state of the male leads is blatantly strange.

“Every time I see you, something below rises. How will you take responsibility for this?”

Starting with Martin, the FM butler who was a former war hero,

“It’s troubling because every time I see you, my m*mber starts acting up.”

Kiel, the black mage, whose words are entirely different from his ascetic face,

“Look, every time I see you, Laila, this place starts drooling like this.”

Eden, the gardener who looks like the epitome of a sunny male lead but actually has multiple personality,

“I’m suddenly curious about how your insides will change if I endlessly feed you this.”

Not to mention Rosalyn, the head maid who roams around in the guise of his deceased fraternal twin sister,

“When you cry, it makes me want to go astray.”

Even the lord of the castle, who exudes a dangerous aura from head to toe.

Can I safely log out of this game, avoiding the male leads who are clearly not normal?

…Honestly, I’m not sure if I can. Can someone please log me out?

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역하렘 공포게임인데 남주들의 상태가 이상하다
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