It Wouldn’t Be So Bad Being An Apartment Complex Manager! I Was Optimistically Thinking That, But There My Life Started To Go Downhill!


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I’m Shintaro Konishi (23), a virg*n. After graduating from high school, I went to university, but I ended up being more interested in learning about adult pastimes like mahjong and gambling than studying. I eventually failed to earn enough credits and, as I didn’t like the school anyway, I handed in my withdrawal form early in the new year.

After that, I continued my freeter lifestyle, but I couldn’t forget the pleasures of adult pastimes. I spent all the money I earned from part-time jobs on those activities, and my parents finally had enough. They signed me up as the live-in manager of an apartment complex in a rural area without my consent and kicked me out!

I was at a loss, but I started working as the manager of the apartment complex in this rural town. The many women who lived there seemed to have too much time on their hands due to the rural lifestyle, and they started to take an interest in me, a young man. They laid all sorts of traps for me, using their feminine wiles, making sure to avoid the eyes of the neighbours!

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