Isekai Bartender — Adventurer by Day, But the Real Job Starts at Night: Bartending


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After a sudden, unforeseeable incident, Ren Satsuki died at the young age of twenty-two. Ren began working part-time at a bar after reaching the drinking age, and decided to make a career out of bartending.

The craziest thing about it all, though, is that when he opened his eyes again afterwards, he’d been transmigrated to an entirely new world. No one had a clue he was living his second life.

He was the only one who knew about his situation, and now, reborn as Aust, he’s received two special powers.

“Welcome in. Here’s a copy of the menu for you.”

Once he’d grown up, Aust lived his life as an adventurer by day and a bartender by night. Now, today, he makes the best possible glasses of c*cktails for the guests who come by his bar.

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