Invisible Dragon


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This is a story’s about the strongest dragon – the invisible dragon moving to the other world.

An invisible dragon that kills everything.


Associated Names
One entry per line
Crystal Dragon
투명 드래곤
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Quality Reads: Male Protagonist (No Harem)
  2. Certified Banger
  3. Fallacies of Interesting Books (tbr forever)
  4. kill me now
  5. Novels I have read

Latest Release

Date Group Release
05/28/16 Ensj Translations c1-50
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145 Reviews sorted by

MrSplashy rated it
January 29, 2023
Status: c50
Truly the best masterpiece out there, this is the pinnacle of human writing and should be celebrated and taught around the world for it's magnificent story, character and story development, and most importantly of all it's magnificent world building that makes you feel captivated and want to live in that world.

Now, thanks to this novel I now have a harem (real) and own a huge mansion with numerous sports car.
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Hornypotato rated it
June 19, 2021
Status: --
Even this is legal?? This violates the ancient code of rights smh... (its painfully obvious that this is just a work of troll but apparently you some people just doesn't get a joke)

Sry for my bad eng
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AbsoluteNothingness rated it
November 11, 2018
Status: completed
This is the most amazing thing god created. NO in fact god created this world so people can read this novel. It is THAT Amazing. I have no more regrets in life after reading this. ಥ_ಥ
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timma rated it
March 3, 2018
Status: c50
Wow. I've spent a week reading something with less of a plot than this stuff. Aside from the grammar it's a good satire of "pow-pow" "can't even see Mt. Tai" type novels. Invisible dragon is so cool. This is good as a bathroom read if you have nothing else to read while taking a ? (The atmosphere will fit the content, hehe).
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Darquesse rated it
March 1, 2018
Status: c50
my issue isn't with the story itself, its with the style and grammar. It was literally painful to read and gave me headaches and eye problems until I finished. Maybe others can handle it without a problem, but I couldn't.
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