Invasive Species Extermination in the Modern World: How My Company’s Reckless Boss Led to Mass Casualties and My Unexpected Rise


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In the present day, invasive species of unknown origin—monsters, as they’re called—have begun to appear.

Forget about world salvation, desperate battles for hope, or bloody wars for survival. The threat they pose has been downgraded to a mere inconvenience.

Human life and systems remain unchanged, with a new industry emerging to handle these invasive species: extermination.

This new industry, with its influx of companies and contractors, has spurred economic growth. But it has also attracted its fair share of fools.

Desperate to overcome mounting losses, some companies take on reckless jobs, often leading to serious accidents and man-made disasters.

Our protagonist, Areno, is one of the few survivors of such a company. After its collapse, he has continued to work as a solo exterminator.

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