Intimate Times


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My big brother is a mafia boss. I took advantage of his memory loss and lied to him, telling him we were lovers. We did everything, both what we should and shouldn’t have done. But everyone who dared to deceive him has died. Now, he’s holding a gun to my head.

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親密無間 現代
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Lucy666 rated it
October 8, 2024
Status: Completed
This has no reviews as of now, which is why I decided to write one myself. It deserves more readers.

This story has a lot of twists and turns. So much so that it feels kinda confusing to read, but once you get used to this kind of pacing, it's absolutely awesome. I loved this story. For the entire time I kept thinking that it would either be something like Stockholm syndrome, or there would be wife chasing crematorium, or it would be BE, maybe with at least one of them... more>> dead. Whether I was right, or wrong, I'll let you find out yourselves.

The ending blew my mind. I am not kidding, if the author decides to write a full fledged novel on this, I'll be one of the first readers. The twists and turns might seem too much because it's a short story and this specific length is not really optimal to carry this much plot but it's still very enjoyable.

I'll give this story a 9.5 because of the length and pacing issues, but otherwise it's almost perfect. <<less
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HiddenHermit rated it
October 11, 2024
Status: Completed
2.5 stars rounded up to 3.

Okay story that I might be tempted to drop if it was longer. The flow of the story feels awkward... maybe too much content squeeze for a short story.

... more>>

Real spoiler...


MC is an undercover cop. He had infiltrated a gang as the boss' white moonlight's son, Bian Ci. He used to follow the boss but followed the boss' son (Wen Yingjue, the ML) after the son returned from overseas.

Ever since following ML, he was mistreated by ML. It is later revealed ML is also an undercover cop. His previous identity was Bian Ci. MC and ML used to be friends in high school and MC thought ML had died years ago.

ML had liked MC romantically back then. He recognized MC even after his looks were changed but still had to mistreat MC to maintain his cover.

In the end, ML and MC took down the boss and became a couple.

Of Note: It's hard to believe that the boss didn't notice that his son had been swapped out.

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