Inters*x Student and Biology Teacher


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Ke Lin, who never knew that his body was unusual, became extremely puzzled by his body after taking biology class.

Why do I have a woman’s s*x organs?

Why is my chest as big as a woman’s?

The biology teacher personally explained and demonstrated the difference between men and women to him.

He said, “You are normal.”

He said, “Although you are a man, you are born to be f*cked by a man.”

He said, “You are an inters*x person, so you are lascivious by nature.”

Ke Lin believed him and from then on, embarked on a path of no return – teachers, classmates, stepfather, tutor, doctor,…

Associated Names
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  4. guilty pleasures
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
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09/28/20 Debauchery Tea Party c3
09/08/20 Debauchery Tea Party c2
08/03/20 Debauchery Tea Party c1
2 Reviews

Jan 16, 2022
Status: Completed

This smut story was really mediocre. I think it is the writing style. Or maybe its because the whole premise described in each chapter wasnt that exciting... Seriously... It is so hard to rate a pure smut story LOL.
9 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 28, 2022
Status: c9€17
Well, the child is actually pretty cute. He's not as s**tty as it sounds in the synopsis, even though he does enjoy bed activities a lot (as to be expected from a smut novel).

However, the smut scenes are somewhat unsatisfactory, likely due to how short each chapter is and how abruptly it ends. There was no connection between each scene whatsoever, just the MC simply moving from one s*xual encounter to the next and finding bliss in his s*x life.

Nevertheless, I like how the men in this novel weren't overly... more>> rough and actually took care of the MC fairly well, making the story a whole lot less uncomfortable. <<less
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