Innocent World


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Yamamura, a small-time con artist drowning in gambling debt, gets unexpected news of an inheritance from a relative he barely remembers. Elated, he soon finds out there’s a catch—he must care for his cousin Hirokuni, who was kidnapped as a child and raised in the jungle. Unfamiliar with civilization, Hirokuni is a challenge. Reluctantly, Yamamura takes him in, planning to abandon him if things go wrong.

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Muzai Sekai
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DDDDDsemeprota rated it
October 31, 2024
Status: c15
4 Stars because I read this in one go and got emotionally invested. The setting is niche, and I understand it's not everyone's cup of tea. I wasn't entirely comfortable with the main character's words and actions, but very flawed protagonists often have a lot of growth potential, which I enjoy. Don't expect the characters to react reasonably—it's a short drama with a messy love story.

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The elder characters acting as parental figures to the MC and ML was very sweet.

The lawyer seemed unreasonably trusting at first, but he redeemed himself in my view. I actually agree with many of his opinions on the MC. The MC himself is pretty frustrating and even pathetic at times, yet you can't help but root for his happiness. I didn't get as attached to the ML, but some of his actions were very sweet and sincere. We don't know until the end if he truly has romantic feelings for the MC, but he genuinely cares for and protects him, and that's more than enough.

The ending was abrupt and left many questions unanswered. What does the MC's mother do? Why did she leave him? I also wanted to know more about the ML's perspective.

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